Operation Yellow Knife

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Operation Yellow Knife is the eleventh mission in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six. Its multiplayer counterpart is Estate.


After rescuing Catherine Winston from the hands of the Phoenix Group in the previous mission, Anne Lang is exposed as a Horizon Corporation double agent, resulting in a recon mission involving the planting of phone bugs in Lang's residence in Alexandria, Virginia to find out if Lang and John Brightling are conspiring to release the Ebola Brahma capsules. RAINBOW's mission is to infiltrate the house, deactivate the security system, and plant the bugs without being detected by patrols.


John Clark - I never trusted that woman. And Horizon is involved too - maybe even John Brightling himself. Until we know exactly who's on our side, I'm assuming personal control of this entire operation. Our cover story will be that Catherine died on board the Orca's Smile - that should buy us some time.

Catherine Winston - The bug doesn't just resemble Ebola Brahma - it is Ebola Brahma. It's a modified version of my cattle virus they're using. I figured it out the night I was kidnapped - the genetic sequences are virtually identical. I called Anne right away and told her that Phoenix must have a source inside Horizon. She told me not to contact anyone else, that she'd report to John and send a car for me. Thirty minutes later the brute squad was kicking down my door.


This is the first recon mission in the game, which means that all deadly force is not sanctioned and will result in a mission failure, even if patrols are not alerted in the process. There are not many patrols on the map, usually 5-6 at once. Making the phone-bugging process difficult is a patrol on the 2nd-floor hallway and balcony. He will quickly patrol this area, which means that you may need a bit of luck to bug the downstairs phone.

Mission Orders


Information provided by Dr. Winston has linked Anne Lang, the Presidential Science Advisor, to the Phoenix Group. By bugging Lang's home phone RAINBOW may gain valuable information about Phoenix's plans.

Lang lives in a walled estate outside Alexandria, Virginia. Armed guards patrol the grounds. The team must enter and leave the compound completely undetected for useful intelligence to be gathered.

You will be inserted over the wall at the back of Lang's property, and extracted from the same location.



VILLA BITTENCOURT, BRAZIL (United News International) - U.S. Presidential Science Advisor Anne Lang arrived in Brazil today to inspect American installations in the Amazon rainforest. During the course of her four-day tour Ms. Lang will visit research stations tun by Echelon Pharmaceuticals, the Arrow Oil Corporation, and the Horizon Corporation. The three companies are all participants in the Rainforest 2000 initiative, an American project to encourage private investment in the Amazon basin. Despite recent rumors of bandit activity in the area, the head of security for Ms. Lang's entourage assured reporters that there was no cause for alarms.


