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The AK-47 is a commonly used weapon in the Ryanverse.


The weapon was originally manufactured in the Soviet Union by Kalishnikov, but over time many derivatives had been built in other countries. Due to this, it was commonly found in the hands of criminals. It was commonly referred to as both a rifle and a light machine gun, and known both by it's designation and simply as a "Kalishnikov".

The FBI and the Marine Corps were both trained to recognize it and other East Bloc weapons.



Patriot Games

The ULA used an AK-47 during their attempted Kidnapping of the Prince of Wales and his family at The Mall. It was fired at the front of the Prince of Wales' car, shattering the windshield and killing the driver and security officer immediately, but not penetrating the bulletproof divider separating the back seats. The terrorist then moved around to the side of the car, and continued firing into the side of the vehicle. Later, the terrorist using it inadvertently jammed the gun due to having taped two magazines together and denting the bottom one, preventing it from feeding properly into the gun. He discarded it and drew his pistol to continue firing.