Arik Yacoby

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Arik Yacoby is a character that appears in the novel, Support and Defend.


Yacoby is a former commando of Shayetet 13 and the Israeli Naval Special Forces. After leaving the military, he moved to India with his family. In 2010, he was tasked with training Campus agent Dominic Caruso through a six-week program in Krav Maga. One night, Yacoby and Caruso were out on a midnight run. Upon returning to Yacoby's home, they found that a group of armed men had invaded it. Yacoby and Caruso attempted to fight the men off but one of the intruders detonated a suicide vest. The blast injurieD Caruso but killed Yacoby and his entire family.

It was later revealed that the attack on Yacoby was the result of a recent data breach in the National Security Council (NSC), which staffer Ethan Ross inadvertently set into motion when he took top secret files and shared them with an international whistleblowing organization called the International Transparency Project (ITP).

Template:Characters/Support and Defend