Elite Squad:Allies (Campaign)

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The Allies Campaign is a campaign of the Campaign gamemode in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad. Unlocked at level 10, the player may only use Heroes for each mission.

Chapter 01: ObtainR HQ


My name is Sam Fisher. Most of us have never worked together before, so welcome to the team. As top Specialists in your field, we need your help. Every government agent, security force, and covert operative is in imminent danger. I hate to spoil your day.

There's a new kind of artificial soldier. Fourth Echelon is calling them androids. I've faced my share of technological threats, but these things are on a whole new level. We've traced the tech back to a company called ObtainR, based out of Phoenix, Arizona. Intel reports the facility is fortified and heavily defended. Take out the guards then salvage any intel you can. Let's get moving.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
01-A 3000 1m 30s
01-B 3500 1m 30s
01-C 4300 1m 30s
01-D 4750 1m 30s
01-E 5000 1m 30s
01-F 5250 1m 30s
01-G 5800 2m
01-H 5000 1m 30s
01-I 5600 1m 30s
01-J 6300 1m 30s
01-K 7200 1m 30s
01-L 7500 1m 30s
01-M 7850 1m 30s
01-N 8700 3m

Chapter 02: Nightingale


You did well in Phoenix, but we still have work to do. ObtainR's HQ had already been mostly emptied out by the time we arrived. We were able to recover a couple servers they hadn't relocated yet.

Grim was able to hack the servers and discovered the location of ObtainR's next target, Nightingale prison. It's home to some of the most notorious, well-connected and dangerous criminals. We believe ObtainR wants to extract their information, wealth, technology, criminal connections, and whatever other intel and resources they can get their artificial hands on.

We can't let that happen. We'll need your help to stop ObtainR's assault on Nightingale and secure the prisoners. Preferably alive and unharmed.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
02-A 7200 1m 30s
02-B 7400 1m 30s
02-C 9000 1m 30s
02-D 10000 1m 30s
02-E 10250 1m 30s
02-F 10500 1m 30s
02-G 12000 1m 30s
02-H 11200 1m 30s
02-I 11500 1m 30s
02-J 12000 1m 30s
02-K 12250 1m 30s
02-L 12500 1m 30s
02-M 13000 1m 30s
02-N 15500 3m

Chapter 03: Nigeria


Impressive work. We were able to stop ObtainR's attack on Nightingale and secure the prisoners unharmed.

Unfortunately, there's no time to celebrate. The Ghosts are running operations in Nigeria and have run into a large-scale ObtainR detachment.

Our next mission is a standard rescue operation. Support the Ghosts and learn whatever you can about ObtainR's next move.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
03-A 13500 1m 30s
03-B 15000 1m 30s
03-C 17750 1m 30s
03-D 18000 1m 30s
03-E 18500 1m 30s
03-F 19250 1m 30s
03-G 22000 1m 30s
03-H 18500 1m 30s
03-I 20000 1m 30s
03-J 21750 1m 30s
03-K 23250 1m 30s
03-L 24000 1m 30s
03-M 25700 1m 30s
03-N 30000 3m

Chapter 04: Rainbow HQ


ObtainR put up a stronger fight in Nigeria than we had anticipated. Thanks to you, we were able to recover the Ghosts. Grim's spent all day tracking requests for backup from security forces around the globe. ObtainR is a clear threat to national security. But you already knew that.

About an hour ago, we lost contact with Rainbow Six HQ. Our Rainbow affiliated squad members are trying to reach their base, but there's been no response. Normally we'd let team Rainbow handle this on their own, but with the ObtainR threat, I'm not willing to let them go in without backup. We're headed to their training base in Hereford, UK.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
04-A 26000
04-B 28500
04-C 33000
04-D 34500
04-E 36000
04-F 38000
04-G 41500
04-H 40500
04-I 41000
04-J 46500
04-K 50000
04-L 52500
04-M 55000
04-N 57500

Chapter 05: Arctic Circle


ObtainR's attack on team Rainbow's HQ went too far. We need to strike back hard.

Grim's encryption codes have been able to keep Paladin, our C-147B aircraft, off ObtainR's radar. Since they like stealing our tech so much, Grim figures Paladin would make the perfect bait. ObtainR's androids wouldn't be able to resist the opportunity to get their hands on a lost prototype military aircraft.

We'll land in arctic international territory and prepare the ambush. During our assault, Paladin's S.M.I. computer will track down ObtainR's command signal location.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
05-A 53500
05-B 55000
05-C 62200
05-D 63000
05-E 66000
05-F 69000
05-G 77000
05-H 72500
05-I 74000
05-J 80000
05-K 85000
05-L 92000
05-M 94000
05-N 112000

Chapter 06: Valletta, Malta


Excellent work! We've captured what appears to be an "officer" android in the arctic. Grim hacked its internal computer. Turns out it takes orders from a control center in Valetta, Malta.

We've established contact with Colonel Max Claymore. He's running a campaign to take out ObtainR's infrastructure and has located our next target.

He may know tactics but Grim knows the tech. She can shut ObtainR's system down. We'll be taking point on this one.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
06-A 105000
06-B 110000
06-C 112500
06-D 115000
06-E 118000
06-F 120000
06-G 135000
06-H 125000
06-I 132000
06-J 137000
06-K 139000
06-L 142000
06-M 147500
06-N 155000

Completion Rewards

Players are rewarded 5 Intel for Scott Mitchell and 75 File:Gold.png upon the completion of each chapter.