Elite Squad:Bard

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Template:Infobox Character Alexander "Bard" Berrin is a member of the Phantoms and a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Template:CWMain Alexander Berrin is the leader of a rogue Ghost unit known as the Phantoms. A black spot on the prestigious history of the Ghosts, Berrin and his group of AWOL operators have made a name for themselves as elite mercenaries selling their services to the highest bidder.

A poet and a visionary, Berrin’s words and bravado earned him the unwavering loyalty of his unit. He sees the Phantoms as an opportunity to build a legacy to rival that of the Ghosts. So when Elite Squad made his unit a priority acquisition, this played right to his ego. However, relinquishing control of the unit to someone else doesn’t sit right with him. For now, Berrin will play the good soldier, but it’s only a matter of time before he finds an opportunity to reunite with his unit and go rogue once more.


  • GSH-18
  • Mk19mm
  • G2000
  • Maxim 9


Name Image Description
ADS Shield
File:ADS Shield.png Deploys the ADS Sheidl and TAUNTS all OUT OF COVER enemies. While the shield is deployed, 20% of all incoming damage is REFLECTED back at the enemy and charges the shield. After 5 SECONDS, unleashes the shield charge, sending a heat wave across the battlefield, damaging all enemies for 20% ABILITY POWER + 40% of all reflected damage.
Tactical Suit
File:Tactical Suit.png Rank 4
When a CONTROL effect is received, apply a SHIELD to self for 60% ABILITY POWER.

Squad Perks

Name Description
File:Phantoms Logo.png
Born In Darkness
(Faction Perk)
2 Soldiers - With reckless abandon, allied Phantoms charge into battle, permanently receiving +150% ABILITY POWER, but damaging themselves for 15% of any ABILITY DAMAGE they inflict on the enemy.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when the first Phantom is defeated, blackout the battlefield, BLINDING all enemies for 15 SECONDS (cannot be resisted) and granting +100% ABILITY CHARGE to all remaining allies.
File:Enduring Perk.png
(Trait Perk)
2 Soldiers - While allies are below 40% HEALTH, they are able to endure the harsh situation and receive +30% DAMAGE REDUCTION.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +50% DAMAGE REDUCTION.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +75% DAMAGE REDUCTION.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A



  • Bard originally had a leader ability called Tactic Mag. Unlocked at rank 8, it granted +20% MAGAZINE SIZE to Phantoms soldiers.

