Elite Squad:Caveira

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Template:Infobox Character

"Message received, Eagle One. Rainbow is committed to global security, and destroying ObtainR is within our mandate. I almost feel sorry for them."
— Caveira

Taina "Caveira" Pereira is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Template:CWMainWhile other operators were specially selected to be part of the Elite Squad Initiative, Taina "Caveira" Pereira, Rainbow's anti-social, no-nonsense former BOPE interrogator, was the only member to file a personal request to join the mission. Resourceful and self-assured, Taina knew she’d be an asset to the team, especially given her background. Raised on the outskirts of Sao Paulo, Taina spent most of her youth on the wrong side of the law. She knows better than most what it means to be given a second chance. She believes in the system and that some of these criminals can change—or at the very least, make a positive contribution to the mission. That being said, Taina is not a blind idealist. She knows that not everyone can be trusted, and she’s not above taking a knife to the throat of anyone who dares to test her good will.



  • MPX K
  • A-99
  • M12
  • T-5 SMG


Name Image Description
Interrogation (Active) File:Interrogation.png Sneak up to interrogate the FARTHEST enemy, causing ROOT. Then stab them for 120% ABILITY POWER, causing BLEED for 80% ABILITY POWER over 5 SECONDS. Caveira is UNSTOPPABLE during her ability.
Silent Step (Passive) File:Silent Step.png Rank 4
Provides STEALTH when moving around the battlefield.

Squad Perks

Name Description
File:Rainbow Red Squad.png
(Faction Perk)
2 Soldiers - The squad is an unbreakable unit, upon receiving a CONTROL EFFECT, allies are able to overcome it, removing it and all other CONTROL EFFECTS after 1 SECOND(S).
3 Soldiers - CONTROL EFFECTS are now removed IMMEDIATELY.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, after removing any CONTROL EFFECT, allies retaliate, applying the CONTROL EFFECT to the enemy that cast it for 7 seconds (excluding taunt).
File:Intimidating Perk.png
(Trait Perk)
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


  • Caveira originally had a Leader ability named Hidden Assault. The ability was unlocked at Rank 8 and granted 15%+ SKILL DAMAGE to Rainbow Six Force soldiers.

