Elite Squad:George Benchley

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George Benchley is a member of the Cleaners and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


George Benchley had his life sorted out. A luxurious apartment in Manhattan's Upper East Side and more money than he could spend in a lifetime, all thanks to him playing the stock market like a cheap violin. It only took one mistake, one bad friend, and one fateful signature for the whole thing to come crumbling down. Cheated out of his wealth by his former Wall Street colleagues, Benchley just wanted to see their palaces burn. The Cleaners offered that exact opportunity.

It was those same ex-colleagues who would come to his rescue - indirectly, anyway. ObtainR had dealings with them, and Elite Squad required that information ASAP. Benchley was taken from prison to inform them of every business link, deal, and detail that he could remember. In return, he demanded to go back into the field, but this time, Benchley has chosen to fight for a far more righteous cause.


  • RMB-93
  • TAC 12 SG
  • SASG 12
  • UT-SG


Name Image Description
Feel the Heat (Active) Fires a short burst from an Underbarrel Flamethrower at the current target, BURNIGN all enemies in a LINE for 200% ABILITY POWER over 6 SECONDS. Then grants any allies currently targeting a Bruning enemy 30% LIFESTEAL for 5 SECONDS.
Napalm is my Spicy Sauce(Passive) At 40% HEALTH, your tank ignites. The heat fuels your rage, permanently granting 100% WEAPON POWER & 50% CRITICAL CHANCE, but damaging yourself for 10% ABIILITY POWER each second.

Squad Perks

Name Description
File:Cleaners Logo 2.png
From The Ashes
(Faction Perk)
1 Soldier - Cleaners are IMMUNE TO BURN, and BURNING an enemy destroys any SHIELD they have.
2 Soldiers - Additionally, BURNING an enemy WEAKENS them for 5 SECONDS.
5 Soldiers' - Additionally, the first ally downed, is REVIVED with 40% HEALTH.
File:Composed Perk.png
(Trait Perk)
2 Soldiers - Allies are able to stay composed under fire and receive -20% CRITICAL DAMAGE & +5% LIFESTEAL.
3 Soldiers - Increased to -30% CRITICAL DAMAGE & +7% LIFESTEAL.
5 Soldiers - Increased to -40% CRITICAL DAMAGE & +10% LIFESTEAL.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


