Elite Squad:Kali

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Template:Infobox Character Jaimini Kalimohan Shah (Hindi: जैमिनी कालीमोहन शाह), codenamed Kali, is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Template:CWMain Born to wealthy parents, Shah's ability to achieve her goals was assured from an early age. This self-assurance hit a brick wall when she tried to join the military. Her interest in martial arts led her to enlist, but she quickly discovered that women weren't allowed to serve in combat units. Despite all of her money and all of her social influence, she had found an obstacle between her and something she wanted, and it would not budge. Leaving the military, she created her own Private Security Company to operate within India's borders, then a Private Military Company, NIGHTHAVEN, to operate overseas. She routinely negotiates multi-million-dollar contracts with incredibly favorable terms. Her ruthlessness is legendary, but by becoming a resource the Indian government desperately needs she has circumvented the laws that kept her from her goal and revalidated her self-perception as an unstoppable force in a largely static world.


  • Scout
  • 308 Carbine
  • SRS
  • Mk 14 EBR


Name Image Description
LV Explosive Lance (Active) File:LV Explosive Lance.png Fires an LV Explosive Lance round at the current target. The round explodes in a SMALL RADIUS, damaging enemies hit for 200% ABILITY POWER and INTERRUPTING any Active Abilities. If the target is In Cover, the round explodes in a LARGE RADIUS instead.
CSRX 300 (Passive) File:CSRX 300.png Permanently receives +50% CRITICAL POWER. Critical Bullets EXECUTE enemies under 25% HEALTH.

Squad Perks

Name Description
Preparation Phase
2 Soldiers - R6: Gold soldiers arrive into battle fully prepared, increasing bonuses recieved from COVER by +100%.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +200%
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the squad starts the battle with an extra ABILITY AUTHORIZATION POINT and +20% ABILITY CHARGE each.
File:Intimidating Perk.png
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


