Elite Squad:Lesion

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Template:Infobox Character Liu Tze Long (Chinese: 刘子龙, Liú Zilóng), codenamed Lesion, is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.


Template:CWMain Liu Tze Long doesn't talk about his life. He'd have to talk about where he'd learned to work with explosives, how he came up with his special gear, and where his scars come from. People would hear that his early experiences had nothing to do with the police nor the military, and that he's been in contact with chemical toxins since he was 10 years old.

Instead, Liu prefers to talk about his exemplary service with Hong Kong's Special Duties Unit. His feats with Rainbow Six. And, about how eager he is to combat the threat of ObtainR under Elite Squad's banner. After a life of living at the bottom of society, those are the stories he wants to tell.


  • RMB-93
  • ITA12L
  • MFSG-12
  • SPAS-15


Name Image Description
Gu Mine (Active) File:Gu Mine.png Throw a Gu Mine at the current target, exploding with poison, damaging all enemies in a LARGE RADIUS for 100% ABILITY POWER and ROOTING them in place for 5 SECONDS. If the target is above 50% HEALTH they push through the pain, causing them to BLEED for 100% ABILITY POWER over 5 SECONDS. If the target is below 50% HEALTH they remove the poison BLINDING them for 5 SECONDS.
Toxin Resilience (Passive) File:Toxin Resilience.png Permanently, IMMUNE TO BLEED.

Squad Perks

Name Description
File:Rainbow Green Squad.png
Damage Control
(Faction Perk)
2 Soldiers - Allies take full advantage of weakened enemies, receiving +30% DAMAGE TO CONTROLLED TARGETS.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +50% DAMAGE TO CONTROLLED TARGETS.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the duration of all allies CONTROL EFFECTS applied are increassed by 100%.
File:Intimidating Perk.png
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


