Elite Squad:Nøkk

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Template:Infobox Character Karina Gaarddhøje, codenamed Nøkk, is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.

She is unlocked for 15 Intel.


Template:CWMain For reasons of National Security and currently active missions, Nøkk's records are sealed at NATO Confidential security clearance, but her files have been released to Six. Nøkk enlisted at the Army NCO School in Sønderborg, then enrolled at the Royal Danish Military Academy where she graduated at the rank of First Lieutenant. With four deployments under her belt, Nøkk underwent additional special operations training, earning her Jægerkorpset maroon beret with skills in covert ops, combat search and rescue, direct action, special recon, arctic warfare, and advanced breaching. Nøkk served in Afghanistan and Iraq, often alone in deep undercover behind enemy lines. She received commendations for eliminating hostile insurgents in surgical strikes and was responsible for uncovering Erik "Maverick" Thorn's location, forwarding that intel to the Unit.

Nøkk keeps her identity hidden from all but her fellow operators. NATO's O&P division recommended Nøkk for Rainbow as one of its deep cover specialists.


  • RMB-93
  • Tactical Shotgun
  • SASG 12K
  • KSG Tactical


Name Image Description
Hel Presence Reduction (Active) File:Hel Presence Reduction.png Enters STEALTH and appear behind the LOWEST HEALTH (%) enemy, firing a Flashbang Shell damaging the target for 40% ABILITY POWER and CONFUSING them for 3 SECONDS. Repeats the attack 2 more times on random enemies.
Deep Cover (Passive) File:Deep Cover.png Nokk is able to keep tabs on all enemies in the battle, and while any enemies are NOT TARGETED they receive -20% ABILITY POWER.

Squad Perks

Name Description

Calm Collective
(Faction Perk)
1 Soldier - When damaged for >10% HEALTH with a single source of Ability Damage, R6: Silver soldiers HEAL back 50% ABILITY POWER over 4 SECONDS.
3 Soldiers - Extended to ALL ALLIES POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, Allies receive -10% DAMAGE per enemy targeting them.
File:Dutiful Perk.png
(Trait Perk)
2 Soldiers - Allies sense of duty drives them, receiving +20% COOLDOWN REDUCTION, charging their abilities faster.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +40% COOLDOWN REDUCTION.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +75% COOLDOWN REDUCTION.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


