Elite Squad:ObtainR (Campaign)

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The ObainR Campaign is the default campaign of the Campaign gamemode in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad. It features the game's story mode and pits players against ObtainR and various soldiers during each mission.

Chapter 01: Nightingale


Hello, Commander. Welcome to Elite Squad. I'm Colonel Max Claymore, callsign Eagle One. There is a new type of hostile. Not a drone, but a weaponized artificial soldier.

We're not sure why, but these androids have been capturing Specialists from both sides. We believe G1U was taken prisoner and is being held somewhere near Nightingale. A Phantom and former Ghost, G1U has intel and technology that we cannot afford to let fall into enemy hands. We need you to secure G1U and bring him back to HQ.

This is a classified mission. Strike swiftly, gather any intel you can, and try to keep the collateral damage to a minimum. HQ would rather this operation doesn't make the front page in tomorrow's paper. Good luck!


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
01-A 300 Wave: 1
1x Lvl 1 ObtainR Technician
2x Lvl 1 ObtainR Guardian
Wave: 2
Lvl 2 Ning Wang
2x Lvl 1 ObtainR Pointman
3 File:XP Icon.png
320 File:Cash.png
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
1m 30s
01-B 400 Wave: 1
Lvl 2 Richard Kingsley
1x Lvl 1 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 1 ObtainR Enforcer
Wave: 2
1x Lvl 1 ObtainR Striker
Lvl 2 El Wey
1x Lvl 1 ObtainR Enforcer
Wave: 3
BOSS Lvl 2 Virgil
3 File:XP Icon.png
320 File:Cash.png
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png

Chapter 02: Valletta, Malta


Good morning, Commander. Thanks to the intel you've collected, we've confirmed these androids are prototypes developed by ObtainR. They're a global robotics organization built by Dr. Carine Carlsen and Dr. Theodore Crane.

Now for the bad news. Fourth Echelon agent Anna Grímsdóttir was captured by ObtainR forces while she was en route to a discreet meeting and is being detained in Valletta, Malta. We're sending you in to retrieve Grimsdottir before ObtainR can force her to reveal any state secrets. Move out!


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
02-A 700 2x Lvl 2 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Guardian
Lvl 2 Charles Bliss
3 File:XP Icon.png
6 File:Ceramic Composite.png I
2-4 File:Metal Scraps.png I
2-4 File:Gun Oil.png I
6 File:Circuit Board.png I
1 File:Autowin token.png
02-B 900 1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Support
2x Lvl 2 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Guardian
Lvl 2 Carson Moss
6 File:XP Icon.png
2-4 File:Gel.png I
400 File:Cash.png
2-4 File:Aramid Cloth.png I
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
02-C 1100 Wave: 1
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Technician
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Pointman
Wave: 2
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Support
Lvl 3 Virgil
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Pointman
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Pointman
BOSS Lvl 3 James Dorsman
3 File:XP Icon.png
50 File:Crafting Tools.png I
400 File:Cash.png
2-4 File:Copper Wire.png I
2-4 File:Ceramic Composite.png I
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
02-D 1400 1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Support
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Technician
2x Lvl 3 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Enforcer
3 File:XP Icon.png
400 File:Cash.png
2-4 File:Denim.png I
2-4 File:Circuit Board.png I
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
02-E 800 Wave: 1
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Pointman
Lvl 3 James Dorsman
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Enforcer
Wave: 2
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Pointman
Lvl 3 Carson Moss
1x Lvl 2 ObtainR Guardian
3 File:XP Icon.png
400 File:Cash.png
2-4 File:Diode.png I
2-4 File:Graphene.png I
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
02-F 1300 Wave: 1
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Support
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Pointman
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Guardian
Wave: 2
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Support
Lvl 4 Richard Kingsley
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Striker
1x Lvl 3 ObtainR Guardian
3 File:XP Icon.png
50 File:Crafting Tools.png
400 File:Cash.png
2-4 File:Canvas.png
2-4 File:Magnetic Steel.png
1 File:Training Token I.png
1 File:Autowin token.png
2m Rail Gun Blasts

Chapter 03: Singapore


Congratulations on a successful mission in Valetta, Commander! HQ has been impressed by your expertise on the battlefield. The world's elite Specialists are under your command. Keep up the good work. We're counting on you!

Anna Grimsdottir is safely back at HQ. While she was held captive, Grim managed to hack into an android's internal computer. Turns out they're protecting something of vital importance in Singapore. Satellite imagery shows they have set up a Forward Operating Base near the marketplace. Once you're in position, clear out ObtainR's advance patrols and gather intelligence about their next move. Stay sharp.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
03-A 1600 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-B 1900 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-C 2000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-D 2100 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-E 2350 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-F 2600 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-G 2700 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-H 2800 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-I 2900 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-J 3000 6 Enemies 1m 30s
03-K 3300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-L 3500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-M 3650 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-N 4150 12 Enemies 3m

Chapter 04: Manhattan


Thanks to your exemplary performance in Singapore, we were able to interview the prisoner you rescued. Dr. Carine Carlsen is one of ObtainR's founders. She's been through a lot, but she is cooperating with us.

According to Carlsen, her cofounder Dr. Theodore Crane has corrupted their company. Crane created C², an AI to coordinate the company's global operations. After it survived a major cyberattack, C² retaliated by locking out all of the factory workers. That's when it started mass-producing security androids as a defensive measure. Carlsen tried to shut C² down, but failed. Crane locked her up after divulging that he and C² are building a "new superweapon".

Carlsen says there's a hard drive containing C²'s AI source code inside a safety deposit box in Manhattan. Secure it before ObtainR does. We'll need it to shut C² down.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
04-A 3350 4 Enemies 1m 30s
04-B 3700 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-C 4200 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-D 4300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-E 4500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-F 4750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-G 5800 8 Enemies 1m 30s
04-H 5300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-I 5500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
04-J 6800 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-K 7000 8 Enemies 1m 30s
04-L 7750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-M 8000 7 Enemies 1m 30s
04-N 9250 10 Enemies 3m

Chapter 05: Brooklyn


Commander, that was some impressive fighting you did in Manhattan. Unfortunately, ObtainR got away with the C² hard drive. Dr. Carlsen is anxious to get her hands on the source code. I hope we've made the right decision to work with her.

Satellite imagery shows that ObtainR plans to escape across the Brooklyn Bridge. They're carrying the hard drive with them. It's critical you deliver it to us undamaged. We need that source code!


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
05-A 7100 4 Enemies 1m 30s
05-B 9000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-C 10500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-D 11350 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-E 12000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-F 13500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-G 14750 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-H 13250 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-I 13500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
05-J 15500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-K 16250 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-L 17850 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-M 19000 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-N 21000 10 Enemies 3m

Chapter 06: Heathrow


Good to see you back home. That was some impressive work you did in Manhattan. Grim and Dr. Carlsen are analyzing the C² source code. They say C²'s database is full of military tactics, weapons schematics, and profiles on every member of Elite Squad they've apperhended. A detachment of ObtainR elite soldiers are invading the London International Airport. We've hacked into the android you recovered on the bridge. They're receiving orders from a nearby command beacon. We need you to destroy that beacon!


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
06-A 19250 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-B 20750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-C 23500 8 Enemies 1m 30s
06-D 25000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-E 27250 11 Enemies 1m 30s
06-F 28000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-G 31500 8 Enemies 1m 30s
06-H 28500 7 Enemies
06-I 29000 7 Enemies
06-J 34000 5 Enemies
06-K 36000 7 Enemies
06-L 38750 5 Enemies
06-M 40000 7 Enemies
06-N 48000 11 Enemies

Chapter 07: Bolivia


Commander, there isn't much time. C² is smarter than we thought. Turns out ObtainR used the London attack as a diversion. We found the command beacon inside of a shipping container. Its computer revealed critical intel about the next phase of C²'s operation.

ObtainR is prototyping second-generation android soldiers built to fight like identical copies of Elite Squad's Specialists. That's why ObtainR has been abducting our soldiers. C² has developed a neural link to treat humans like portable hard drives. The system can extract whatever it wants. Security codes, mission intel, anything we know, it will know. Our Specialists are at risk.

C² knows we're on to it - it's been pushing out decoy signals for the prototype facility across the US and Europe. But Grim has located the real facility in Bolivia. We need to move if we're going to recover our missing Specialists and shut down that facility!


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
07-A 41500 5 Enemies
07-B 42500 7 Enemies
07-C 49500 5 Enemies
07-D 515000 5 Enemies
07-E 54300 8 Enemies
07-F 57000 5 Enemies
07-G 61000 8 Enemies
07-H 55000 8 Enemies
07-I 60500 8 Enemies
07-J 63500 5 Enemies
07-K 64500 8 Enemies
07-L 65000 5 Enemies
07-M 66000 8 Enemies
07-N 68000 10 Enemies

Chapter 08: Nagoya


With ObtainR's prototype facility offline, our next move is to apprehend Dr. Theodore Crane. The intel you've gathered confirms the second-generation androids were only part of his plan.

Grim and Dr. Carlsen have discovered ObtainR is building a floating, fully-automated android production facility on a gigantic scale. They say it's remarkable tech with enough firepower to sink a fleet of warships. The shape of its reinforced hull suggests that Crane is planning to head for icy international waters.

Crane is staying at his rooftop villa in Nagoya while his superweapon is completed at a private shipyard nearby. Security looks tight. Commander, we need you to infiltrate the villa and bring in Dr. Crane. Get your team prepped. This ends here.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit Battle-Tech
08-A 62000 5 Enemies
08-B 67500 5 Enemies
08-C 74000 5 Enemies
08-D 75000 7 Enemies
08-E 80000 5 Enemies
08-F 81000 5 Enemies
08-G 84000 8 Enemies
08-H 77500 8 Enemies
08-I 78000 7 Enemies
08-J 82500 5 Enemies
08-K 84000 7 Enemies
08-L 85000 5 Enemies
08-M 87500 7 Enemies
08-N 95000 10 Enemies

It looks like Crane already launched the facility before you arrived.
Crane insists that his capture changes nothing. With C² onboard, the facility is fully autonomous, and is likely headed for international waters.
Grim is trying to track the vessel. She will find it.
Crane's obsessed with his creations and he's taken measures to ensure C²'s survival. We're still working on a plan to combat this new threat.
For now, you and the team have completed your mission and earned some much-needed R&R.

Completion Rewards

Players are rewarded 5 Intel for Scott Mitchell and 75 File:Gold.png upon the completion of each chapter.


The Campaign was originally named Umbra. Like the Umbra faction, the campaign was renamed ObtainR in the November 4, 2020 patch. Additionally, all cinematics were disabled due to the various references to the Umbra name.