Elite Squad:Oryx

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Template:Infobox Character Saif Al Hadid (Arabic: سيف الحديد), codenamed Oryx, is a member of Rainbow and is a character featured in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad.

He is unlocked for 60 Intel.


Template:CWMain Little is known about Al Hadid's life. He grew up in a small town adjacent to an air force base, and by all accounts had a normal childhood up until he disappeared from international records for more than fifteen years. He eventually resurfaced in Jordan, but stayed only long enough to obtain a new passport. He learned wrestling in Istanbul, Muay Thai in Bangkok, tactical driving in Berlin, and precision marksmanship in Damascus, likely working for a paramilitary sponsor. Then he disappeared again.

He next showed up as a cadet at Jalal "Kaid" El Fassi's Fortress. As the years passed, his role evolved, from recruit to steward to instructor. Now the unofficial second-in-command, AI Hadid maintains the Fortress during Kaid's absences and acts as a trusted advisor whenever the two of them are together.

Rumors of Al Hadid's ferocity abound, but remain uncorroborated by field reports and should be disregarded.


  • MPX K
  • A-99
  • M12
  • T-5 SMG


Name Image Description
Rameh Dash (Active) File:Rameh Dash.png Dash with force at the current target, damaging all enemies in a LINE for 150% ABILITY POWER, FEARING enemies hit IN COVER and STUNNING any others for 4 SECONDS.
Recharge (Passive) File:Master.png When HEALED for >1% HEALTH, gain +50% ABILITY CHARGE and HEAL for an additional 100% ABILITY POWER over 5 SECONDS.

Squad Perks

Name Description

Calm Collective
(Faction Perk)
1 Soldier - When damaged for >10% HEALTH with a single source of Ability Damage, R6: Silver soldiers HEAL back 50% ABILITY POWER over 4 SECONDS.
3 Soldiers - Extended to ALL ALLIES POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, Allies receive -10% DAMAGE per enemy targeting them.
File:Caring Perk.png
2 Soldiers - Allies are more caring of their squad, recieving +20% HEALING RECIEVED.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +40% HEALING RECIEVED.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +60% HEALING RECIEVED.


Level Cost Base Damage Ability Power Health Armor Resistance
1 N/A


