Elite Squad:Squad Perks

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Squad Perks are a gameplay feature of Tom Clancy's Elite Squad that grant additional abilities to a player's squad. Squad Perks are obtained by combining specific sets of soldiers belonging to the same faction or with the same character trait in a squad.[1]

Each Squad Perk features three tiers: Bronze, Silver, and Gold. Each tier grants additional bonuses to a squad and are obtained depending on whether a squad has two, three, or five characters from the same faction or with the same trait. Bonuses of the same trait/faction are not exclusive and can be stacked. If a squad has five characters of the same trait/faction, the squad will activate the bronze, silver, and gold team bonuses during the battle.

In the squad selection menu, the trait and faction of every character appear on the top-left corner of their cards. The icons for team bonuses will appear on the right side of the squad selection menu.

Trait Perks

Name Description
File:Caring Perk.png
2 Soldiers - Allies are more caring of their squad, recieving +20% HEALING RECIEVED.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +40% HEALING RECIEVED.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +60% HEALING RECIEVED.
File:Composed Perk.png
2 Soldiers - After receiving CRITICAL DAMAGE, allies are able to stay composed and HEAL back 100% of the damage received.
3 Soldiers - Increased to 200% of the damage received.
5 Soldiers - Increased to 400% of the damage received.
File:Dutiful Perk.png
2 Soldiers - Allies sense of duty drives them, receiving +20% COOLDOWN REDUCTION, charging their abilities faster.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +40% COOLDOWN REDUCTION.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +75% COOLDOWN REDUCTION.
File:Enduring Perk.png
2 Soldiers - While allies are below 40% HEALTH, they are able to endure the harsh situation and receive +30% DAMAGE REDUCTION.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +50% DAMAGE REDUCTION.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +75% DAMAGE REDUCTION.
File:Resourceful Perk.png
2 Soldiers - Allies are more resourceful with their supplies, receiving an additional +60% CRITICAL CHANCE, increasing the likelihood of loading critical clips.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +80% CRITICAL CHANCE.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +100% CRITICAL CHANCE.
File:Intimidating Perk.png
2 Soldiers - While above 75% HEALTH, allies are intimidating to the enemy, receiving +30% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +60% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Increased to +120% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER

Faction Perks

Name Description
File:Rainbow Blue Squad.png
Never Over
2 Soldiers - Allies are never ready to give up, and when healed by +10% HEALTH (including heals received when reviving) they are reinvigorated, receiving +50 ABILITY POWER for 10 seconds.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +100 ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when an ally REVIVES, it inspires the rest of the squad, HEALING all other allies for 80% HEALTH and granting +60 ABILITY CHAREGE.
File:Rainbow Red Squad.png
2 Soldiers - The squad is an unbreakable unit, upon receiving a CONTROL EFFECT, allies are able to overcome it, removing it and all other CONTROL EFFECTS after 1 SECOND(S).
3 Soldiers - CONTROL EFFECTS are now removed IMMEDIATELY.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, after removing any CONTROL EFFECT, allies retaliate, applying the CONTROL EFFECT to the enemy that cast it for 7 seconds (excluding taunt).
File:Rainbow Green Squad.png
Damage Control
2 Soldiers - Allies take full advantage of weakened enemies, receiving +30% DAMAGE TO CONTROLLED TARGETS.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +50% DAMAGE TO CONTROLLED TARGETS.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the duration of all allies CONTROL EFFECTS applied are increassed by 100%.
Preparation Phase
2 Soldiers - R6: Gold soldiers arrive into battle fully prepared, increasing bonuses recieved from COVER by +100%.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +200%
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the squad starts the battle with an extra ABILITY AUTHORIZATION POINT and +20% ABILITY CHARGE each.

Calm Collective
1 Soldier - When damaged for >10% HEALTH with a single source of Ability Damage, R6: Silver soldiers HEAL back 50% ABILITY POWER over 4 SECONDS.
3 Soldiers - Extended to ALL ALLIES POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, Allies receive -10% DAMAGE per enemy targeting them.
File:Mitchell Ghost Recon Squad.png
Invisible Force
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, and every 5 seconds after, allies communicate the sitrep and the ally with the lowest HEALTH is covered, gaining STEALTH and +40% WEAPON POWER for 5 seconds.
3 Soldiers - Additionally, the covered ally receives +70% ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the covered ally receives +70% ABILITY CHARGE.
File:Nomad Ghost Recon Squad.png
Flanked Assault
2 Soldiers - While not targeted, allies are able to flank the enemy, receiving +50% WEAPON POWER.
3 Soldiers - Increased to +85% WEAPON POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when any enemy drops below 30% HEALTH, the 3 highest WEAPON POWER allies SYNCRONISE FIRE on the target for 5 seconds.
File:The Division Logo.png
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, the ally with the highest ABILITY POWER is activated, receiving 100% ABILITY CHARGE.
3 Soldiers - Increased to the 2 allies with the highest ABILITY POWER.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when an ally casts an OFFENSIVE ABILITY, suppress their target, STUNNING them for 8 seconds.
File:4th Echelon Logo.png
Night Vision
2 Soldiers - Exclusive 4th Echelon tech permanently grants the ally with the highest WEAPON POWER 100% ACCURACY.
3 Soldiers - Additionally, the ally receives +100% CRITICAL DAMAGE & IMMUNITY TO BLIND.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the ally receives +100% CRITICAL CHANCE.
File:HAWX Logo.png
Air Support
2 Soldiers - When ALL allies drop below 80% HEALTH for the first time, signal for all allies to utilise their flight survival vest to administer aid and heal for 40% HEALTH.
3 Soldiers - Increased to 60% HEALTH.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, 3 seconds after the signal, a targeted missile is launched at the enemy with the highest HEALTH, damaging them for 100% HEALTH and any enemies in a small radius for 60% HEALTH.
File:Kataris 26 Logo 2.png
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, and every 15 seconds after, use guerilla tactics and launch a molotov cocktail at a random enemy, igniting on impact and BURNING all enemies in a medium radius for 3% HEALTH per second for 2 seconds.
3 Soldiers - Increased to 3 seconds.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the Molotov CONFUSES any enemies it is burning.
File:Bai Hu Zhao Logo 2.png
Territorial Defense
1 Soldier - Every 10 seconds SHIELD lowest hp ally for 25% max Health.
3 Soldiers - Also SHIELD any allies under 30% HEALTH.
5 Soldiers - Also grant any shielded allies 30% ABILITY CHARGE and CONTROL IMMUNITY for 5 seconds.
File:John Brown's Army Logo.png
Red Mercury
2 Soldiers - Once deployed, a red mercury powered laser is fired at a random enemy, damaging them for 75% HEALTH.
3 Soldiers - Additionally, when only 3 allies remain, the laser is fired again at the enemy with the most HEALTH.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the laser is upgraded to CONFUSE the target for 8 seconds (cannot be resisted).
File:Santa Blanca Logo.png
Martyr's Blessing
2 Soldiers - When the first Santa Blanca ally drops below 15% HEALTH, they are blessed by the Devine and their HEALTH is fully restored.
3 Soldiers - Additionally, the blessed ally is permanently IMMUNE TO CONTROL EFFECTS.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the blessed ally is seen as a martyr, inspiring all remaining allies and granting them +100% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER for 10 SECONDS.
File:Black Arrow Logo.png
Back To Bussines
2 Soldiers - Upon defeating the FIRST enemy, keep the pressure on and instantly READY both COMBAT ORDERS.
3 Soldiers - Increased to FIRST and SECOND enemy defeated.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, utilize a proprietary EMP device to permanently SILENCE the first enemy that attempts to cast an ability (cannot be resisted).
File:Rogue Agents Logo 2.png
2 Soldiers - Rogue Agents' allegiance is always in question, CONFUSING enemies for 2 seconds when damaging them with ABILITY DAMAGE (doubled against SHD Agents). This will only work once every 6 seconds for each Rogue Agent.
3 Soldiers - Increased to CONFUSE for 3 seconds.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, the Rogue Agents provoke their targets, granting them +200% WEAPON POWER when confusing them, dealing more damage to their own team for the duration.
File:Last Man Battalion Logo 2.png
Hunger For Power
2 Soldiers - Whenever a Last Man Battalion ally is defeated, all remaining allies conviction is strengthened, permanently receiving +50% ARMOR & RESISTANCE.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when an ally is defeated, all allies receive +25% WEAPON & ABILITY POWER.
File:Phantoms Logo.png
Born In Darkness
2 Soldiers - With reckless abandon, allied Phantoms charge into battle, permanently receiving +150% ABILITY POWER, but damaging themselves for 15% of any ABILITY DAMAGE they inflict on the enemy.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, when the first Phantom is defeated, blackout the battlefield, BLINDING all enemies for 15 SECONDS (cannot be resisted) and granting +100% ABILITY CHARGE to all remaining allies.
File:Spetnaz Logo.png
2 Soldiers - Spetsnaz Guard Brigade allies have mastered the art of combat and take no prisoners, EXECUTING their targets when under 20% HEALTH.
5 Soldiers - Additionally, their aptitude in battle terrifies the enemy, and every time an enemy is defeated, all remaining enemies run in FEAR for 1 second(s) per remaining ally.
File:Wolves Logo.png
Law of Nature
1 Soldier - When ANY soldier is defeated, the lone wolf slips into the shadows, gaining STEALTH and +20% WEAPON DAMAGE for 5 seconds.
5 Soldiers - The wolf with the highest WEAPON POWER becomes the alpha wolf, and receives the benefits of the lone wolf. Additionally, the wolves are now hunting as a pack, supporting each other, and all gaining a 20% SHIELD whenever an ally receives ability damage (cannot occur more than once every 5 seconds).

