Elite Squad:UMBRA (Campaign)

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The UMBRA Campaign was the default campaign of the Campaign gamemode in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad. It featured the game's story mode and pit players against UMBRA and various soldiers during each mission. It was replaced with the ObtainR (Campaign) in the November 4th, 2020 patch.

Chapter 01: Nightingale


We do not know much about UMBRA - only that it used to be a successful PMC that has now turned rogue. It is difficult to predict where they will strike next. We have just recieved an alert call from Nightingale Prison; they are being attacked by UMBRA. This will be the first test for the Elite Squad.
Objective - Stop the UMBRA attack on Nightingale Prison and find out what you can about the organization.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
01-A 200 8 Enemies 1m 30s
01-B 400 4 Enemies 1m 30s

Chapter 02: La Valette


Back in 2009, UMBRA had signed a partnership agreement with Obtainr, one of the leading AI companies of the time. Originally, the agreement was meant to helped UMBRA develop AI algorithms to find and neutralize key terrorist leaders during the war on terror. In the past few years, however, the company has developed exponentially and taken a central role in UMBRA's violent undertakings.

We have located their old HQ in the walled city of Valetta, Malta. It is not being used anymore but is still well protected by UMBRA's agents, which suggests that there might still be something of interest inside.

Objective: - Defeat UMBRA forces guarding the building, and search for intel inside.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
02-A 850 5 Enemies 1m 30s
02-B 900 5 Enemies 1m 30s
02-C 1000 7 Enemies 1m 30s
02-D 1250 5 Enemies 1m 30s
02-E 1350 7 Enemies 1m 30s
02-F 1500 8 Enemies 1m 30s

Chapter 03: Nigh Market


After being interrogated by Eagle One, Coda has revealed the location of G1U. The phantom has made his way to Singapore which has so far been spared from the general chaos. The squad must head there immediately.

Objective: - Make a stealthy approach through the Singapore streets and extract the target.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
03-A 1600 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-B 1900 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-C 2000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-D 2100 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-E 2350 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-F 2600 4 Enemies 1m 30s
03-G 2700 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-H 2800 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-I 2900 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-J 3000 6 Enemies 1m 30s
03-K 3300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
03-L 3500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-M 3650 7 Enemies 1m 30s
03-N 4150 12 Enemies 3m

Chapter 04: Base of Operations


Just after the mission in Singapore, Eagle One received a distress message from SHD agents, signaling that UMBRA was besieging the Base of Operations in NYC. The squad must immediately set off to reinforce the defenders and prevent UMBRA from stealing the deadly virus.

Objective: - Defend the Base of Operations at all costs.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
04-A 3350 4 Enemies 1m 30s
04-B 3700 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-C 4200 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-D 4300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-E 4500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-F 4750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-G 5800 8 Enemies 1m 30s
04-H 5300 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-I 5500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
04-J 6800 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-K 7000 8 Enemies 1m 30s
04-L 7750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
04-M 8000 7 Enemies 1m 30s
04-N 9250 10 Enemies 3m

Chapter 05: Brooklyn Bridge


There is no time for mourning Eagle One's death. Despite her best efforts, Anna has not been able to track Coda's location. As morale hits its lowest since the formation of Elite Squad, Scott Mitchell decides to take matters into his own hands. After rallying the agents with a bold speech, he is pressing them to pursue their only remaining lead: the UMBRA Lieutenant still trying to capture New York City.

Objective: - Push UMBRA forces out of the city, and capture the leader commanding them.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
05-A 7100 4 Enemies 1m 30s
05-B 9000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-C 10500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-D 11350 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-E 12000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-F 13500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-G 14750 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-H 13250 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-I 13500 7 Enemies 1m 30s
05-J 15500 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-K 16250 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-L 17850 5 Enemies 1m 30s
05-M 19000 8 Enemies 1m 30s
05-N 21000 10 Enemies 3m

Chapter 06: Air Force One


The interrogation of the UMBRA leader captured on Brooklyn Bride revealed vital information concerning UMBRA's leadership and its master plan.

They aim to sue insects to spread a genetically-modified version of the "dollar flu" virus onto the world's most productive crop plantations and cause a global food crisis that would precipitate the downfall of the global order. The Squad must take off for Heathrow airport, London, where dozens of planes are being loaded with the infected insects at a secret terminal.

Objective: - The shipments must not leave the terminal.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
06-A 19250 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-B 20750 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-C 23500 8 Enemies 1m 30s
06-D 25000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-E 27250 11 Enemies 1m 30s
06-F 28000 5 Enemies 1m 30s
06-G 31500 8 Enemies 1m 30s
06-H 28500 7 Enemies
06-I 29000 7 Enemies
06-J 34000 5 Enemies
06-K 36000 7 Enemies
06-L 38750 5 Enemies
06-M 40000 7 Enemies
06-N 48000 11 Enemies

Chapter 07: Fallen Angel Church


Thanks to Isaac Briggs' marksmanship, The squad managed to plant a tracking device on the plane carrying the last shipment before it could get away. The device brings them all the way to Itacua, Bolivia, where UMBRA's plan-B is to regroup and re-dispatch the virus using the resources of rogue units of the Santa Blanca cartel.

Objective: - Destroy the final shipment and investigate the location of the biotech lab where UMBRA has engineered the virus.


Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
07-A 41500 5 Enemies
07-B 42500 7 Enemies
07-C 49500 5 Enemies
07-D 515000 5 Enemies
07-E 54300 8 Enemies
07-F 57000 5 Enemies
07-G 61000 8 Enemies
07-H 55000 8 Enemies
07-I 60500 8 Enemies
07-J 63500 5 Enemies
07-K 64500 8 Enemies
07-L 65000 5 Enemies
07-M 66000 8 Enemies
07-N 68000 10 Enemies

Chapter 08: Red Crow



Name Skill Rating Enemies Possible Rewards Time Limit
08-A 62000 5 Enemies
08-B 67500 5 Enemies
08-C 74000 5 Enemies
08-D 75000 7 Enemies
08-E 80000 5 Enemies
08-F 81000 5 Enemies
08-G 84000 8 Enemies
08-H 77500 8 Enemies
08-I 78000 7 Enemies
08-J 82500 5 Enemies
08-K 84000 7 Enemies
08-L 85000 5 Enemies
08-M 87500 7 Enemies
08-N 95000 10 Enemies

Completion Rewards

Players were rewarded 5 Intel for Scott Mitchell and 75 File:Gold.png upon the completion of each chapter.