Endwar:A-20 Razorback

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Template:Vehicles The A-20 Razorback is a ground attack plane in use by the United States Joint Strike Force.


The A-20 Razorback is essentially an F-22 fighter that has been up-armored to enhance survivability as a ground attack fighter. While the additional armor makes the A-20 less than ideal for dog fighting, it is a highly capable bomber and strike craft.[1]

In Game

Its weaponry used on selected targets varies by the Air Strike level you have. Note that airstrikes do not damage shields; they bypass shields and directly damage an enemy unit.

  • Air Strike 1 will result in A-20s bearing down on enemy forces with a gun run.
  • Air Strike 2 will have A-20s fire air-to-surface missiles.
  • Air Strike 3 will use laser-guided bombs, devastating to vehicles and infantry in a large radius.


A-20s are given callsigns when Air Strikes are launched, with their callsigns referring to violent attacks followed by "Leader":

  • Storm Leader
  • Strike Leader
  • Smash Leader



  • The Razorback is the second aircraft to carry the designation A-20. The first was the twin-engine Douglas A-20 Havoc, which flew from the Second World War up until the Vietnam conflict.
  • A Razorback is a wild boar native to the Southern United States.
  • The A-20 looks remarkably similar to the F-22 Raptor, though its mission profile is drastically different (ground attack as opposed to air superiority).
  • The Razorback also appears as a pilotable aircraft in Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X.

See Also

  • Eurofighter Hailstorm
  • Su-38 Slamhound


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 26