Endwar:Arkadi Novikov

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Colonel Arkadi Novikov of the 13th Airborne Spetsnaz is a former KGB agent and one of two SGB commanders who served on Team Rainbow. In the late 1980s he led a counter-terrorism team in the BelaSGB army. This led to a long and decorated tour with Rainbow Six. In 2004 he returned to Russia to help reorganize Russian counter-terrorist teams in the aftermath of the tragedy at Beslan. He is popular with his men and known for being a well-balanced leader.


Novikov combines the broad build of the Russian athlete with an incisive mind and stern leadership. He is capable of working much higher in the organization, but prefers field duty, even if it means taking more orders than he gives. The battalion feel comfortable with Novikov in charge, as his personal bravery combines with sharp planning to virtually guarantee success.