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Template:MapsArrabida is a natural park located in southwest Portugal and is part of European territory. The European Federation defensive uplink cluster in Arrabida provides the primary aerospace defenses for the entire Iberian Peninsula.

Assault & Conquest missions

Arrabida offers a lot of flexibility. You can advance along the flanks or drive down the middle. The southern player should quickly move to secure and upgrade the uplinks at Alpha and Bravo, while the enemy will do the same for Delta and Foxtrot. Sierra and Lima are the next to get if you want to go along the flanks. Follow this strategy if you are using mostly infantry and want to avoid running into the main enemy force. On the other hand, controlling Yankee and Zulu across the middle can form a good front that is tough to get around and serves as a springboard for pushing on towards the enemy's deployment zone. Due to the open terrain in the center of the map, armored battalions should push tanks across the middle of the map, where their powerful guns can destroy lighter units trying to cross this area.

The buildings between Delta and Yankee are great positions for infantry. Garrison a squad of riflemen in one of them and they can cover both Delta and Yankee, killing any enemy infantry that try to secure them.


A peaceful day in Arrabida.