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Template:Maps The Carpathia uplinks were constructed by Russia in 2018. They provide redundant coverage of the critical nodes protecting Russia's Black Sea oil and natural gas pipeline systems.

Assault & Conquest missions

This battlefield has nine uplinks on it. As a result, you have to secure five just to start the countdown. Right at the start, send a transport platoon with an engineer squad to secure Yankee. Then secure all of the uplinks on your side of the bridge to gain control of a majority of the uplinks. Order your engineers to place minefields on the bridge, the roadway near Lima, and at the entrances to the complex where Yankee is located. These minefields will help slow down enemy drives to get to the uplinks in your area.


  • While a map shown during Act 8 of the Prelude to War implies that Romania is part of the European Federation, Carpathia is under Russian control at the start of the game and is explicitly stated to be Russian built, yet it is also indicated by the world map to be in the Romanian portion of the Carpathians.
File:Carpathia game map.png
Carpathia (the rightmost solid green hexagon), with its translucent "tail" indicating it is in the Romanian Carpathians