Endwar:François Pulain

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François Pulain is the European Federation's Defense Minister. He was accused by the United States for funding the Forgotten Army with modern military equipment (Known to the player only, the Russians funded these false-flag operations and then planted false evidence against the defense minister).

After the terrorist attacks on April 4th, Third Echelon, a US intelligence initiative, found "conclusive evidence" that he was the mastermind of these attacks, and suspected that Europe was conspiring to prevent the completion of the Freedom Star. An American black ops team was sent to silently kidnap Pulain while he was in Copenhagen during an inspection of the city's Uplink network in order to extract him for interrogation. However, the Russians gave an anonymous phone call to the Danish police, alerting them to the plot. While the Europeans could not stop Pulain from being kidnapped, they were able to trap the US team in Copenhagen within one of the Uplink towers.

A JSF strike team was sent in by air to provide reinforcements and occupied a portion of the city. However the Europeans utilised a "gridcrasher satellite" to shut down the Uplink network over the city, making it too risky to extract Pulain. European forces proceeded to launch another attack, securing and rebooting the network. The JSF was forced to release Pulain in exchange for safe passage out of Denmark to their transport ships in the North Sea.