Endwar:Ft. Levski

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Template:Maps This Russian Army base houses the Spetsnaz Guard Brigade's underground headquarters complex located in the Pleven Province in northern Bulgaria and is within Russian territory. The complex entrance is built into the cliffs in the southeastern corner of the base.

Assault & Conquest missions

Fort Levski offers a lot of possibilities for strategy. There are eight uplinks on this map. Bravo and Lima dominate the center of the map and are separated by a large building that serves as a great garrison for infantry. However, if your opponent goes for the middle, pick up the uplinks on the flanks instead. In fact, a flanking strategy works very well. Secure the uplink near your deployment zone and the uplinks on the northeast and southwest edges of the base. This gives you five of the eight uplinks. Even after the enemy crashes one of your uplinks during DEFCON, you still have four of the seven remaining and the counter will keep counting down to your victory. Artillery can be very effective on this map, especially if you have infantry garrisoned in the middle of the map to act as spotters. On the other hand, use your gunships to scout out enemy artillery and destroy it before it damages your units.

Load up engineers in transports and send them to a couple of the uplinks on the flanks - Delta and Sierra, or Whiskey and Yankee.

The uplinks in the center can change hands several times. Send in riflemen to clear out enemy infantry defending these uplinks.

Garrison infantry in the large building in the middle of the map between Bravo and Lima. Not only can they protect these uplinks, but they also have a great view of the battlefield from this structure on a hill.

Move your deployment zone to either Bravo and Lima so you can bring reinforcements right into the battle.


Fort Levski was an important location in the third book of the Endwar series, The Missing.

The Fort serves as a massive Federation Army base, boasting a garrison of several hundred artillery pieces, tanks, aircraft, IFVs and thousands of supporting infantry. The outer perimeter was heavily guarded by dozens of watchtowers, sniper nests, bunkers and observation posts.

The Spetsnaz headquarters, referred to as "the Black Mountain", is a massive underground complex. Built to withstand attacks from bunker busters, nuclear weapons and even the US Kinetic Strike, Spetnsaz HQ was a hardened underground facility. Accessible by a guarded entrance within the mountainside, the tunnel from the entrance to the facility motor pool, which maintained dozens of BMPs, Cockroach IFVs, and other vehicles, was roughly half a kilometer in length. Deeper within the mountain rested the facility's administration and command facilities, an infirmary, living quarters, research facilities, and prison and interrogation facilities whose infamy had given rise to the facility's name.
