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The Ganjin are a secret organisation that appears in the EndWar novel series. They are first hinted at in the first novel before appearing as antagonists in the second and third books.

The Ganjin were created in the 1970s by Xu Liangyu and Isaac Eistenstein, two classmates at Harvard University, during China's shift away from communism and towards capitalism. It was intended to act as a secretive organisation to gain control of the world's natural and socioeconomic resources.

During World War III, the Ganjin intended to manipulate the three superpowers of Earth to benefit the People's Republic of China, who they believed would win the war and becoming the world's sole superpower, thus allowing China to act as a form of proxy for them. However, it is not clear if the Chinese government are aware of their existence. This plan would allow the organisation to secretly seize control of the governments of the world after the war was over

The Ganjin work covertly, thus they have few official members, with most of their activities being done by agents and informants who never know who exactly they are working for and even those aware of the group will only be given the necessary information for their work. The Ganjin were ruled by the Committee of Five, which consisted of Xu and Eisenstein, along with Dominico DiNezzo, Igany Fedorovich and Merpati Sukarnoputri.

One agent for the organisation was the Snow Maiden. Alice Dennison had also been covertly nurtured from birth to be Ganjin's mole, without her parents ever realising their daughter was under their influence.