Endwar:Genedy Filatov

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Colonel Genedy Filatov of the 20th Armored Spetsnaz has a reputation for steady nerves and a methodical approach on the battlefield. He served with Arkadi Novikov on Rainbow Six. Before that he served in the army of the former Soviet Union from 1981 to 1985. Like Savilov, he served in the elite counter-terrorist group known as "Alfa". He also spent some time working for a private security firm. He favors armored units and is very flexible with his tactics during combat.


Filatov is a solid counter-terrorism operative. Although his training and background are unorthodox by western standards, he has a wealth of real-world experience from his years in the security forces of the former Soviet Union, and numerous contacts across eastern Europe and Asia. His steady nerves and methodical approach to any threat make him a particularly valuable asset in combat situations. Team commanders should not be misled by his world-weary manner; he is not a pessimist but a realist, and he prides himself on being the voice of reason and conservatism in any debate.