Endwar:Health and Shields

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Health and shield mechanics

In EndWar, health and shields determine the status of a unit and how much damage it can take before it is destroyed.

Every unit in EndWar has a health bar consisting of four green bars. This represents the unit's health. These bars are surrounded by a white border, which represents the unit's shield.

Shields start at 100%. As a unit takes damage, the shields will absorb that damage, preventing it from damaging the unit's health. However, in doing so, the shields will begin to deteriorate, first falling to 50% and then to 0%. Shields will begin to regenerate over time once the unit stops taking fire, returning to 100%. Once shields fall to 50%, the first two bars can be damaged. At 0%, the shields stop protecting the unit. The shield can regenerate over any depleted bars (so it is possible to have 100% shields over 50% or 75% health, for example). A unit will still have shields when it falls to 25% health and these shields must be depleted before it can be destroyed outright.

Health also starts at 100%. As stated above, health consists of four green bars, with each bar representing one of the four squads or vehicles in that unit (so one bar for each tank in a Panther 1A3 unit, for example). Once the shields are down, additional damage is taken by the health of the unit, with the rightmost bar beginning to shrink. Once the bar is depleted and the total health reaches 75%, one squad or vehicle will be destroyed and the bars will turn yellow. At 50%, another will be destroyed and the bars turn red. Once the third squad or vehicle is destroyed, the health bar turns grey and the unit cannot fight as it is now considered down. Support or transport helicopters will arrive to pick up the downed unit so it can recover and maintain its Unit Rank for the next battle. If a hostile continues to attack it, the downed unit can be destroyed and will be replaced next battle by a Recruit ranked unit.

Health does not regenerate during a mission, although the unit will be restored to full health when it starts its next mission if it survived.