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Template:Maps The Russian-built Dalmatia uplink cluster was deployed in 2019 despite the European Federation's protests that its true purpose was to hack and interfere with their defense cluster in Brenner Pass.

Assault & Conquest missions

Istra battles take place at night. As a result, it is a good idea to bring along a command vehicle so you can use its detection capabilities. If your riflemen have the stealth upgrade, deploy several of these squads and send them out to secure the uplinks on the eastern flank - Bravo, Foxtrot, and Sierra. Infantry can move between these uplinks without having to cross large areas of open ground. Since it is night, artillery also is a good choice since it is more difficult to see in the distance. Be sure to use the buildings between Delta and Yankee. From them, infantry can cover both of these uplinks.


  • Istra is also used for the first Act of the Prelude to War, where the player fights against the Forgotten Army, representing the border between the EF and the failed states of the Balkans. However, the map is different, being divided in two by an EF border wall and military base, with one half being in ruins and other peaceful. There is also a beached Forgotten Army cargo ship that is not present in the "normal" map.
  • While identified as being built in Dalmatia (a region of Croatia), the map's name refers to the Istrian peninsula, which is not part of Dalmatia unless it is instead referring to the ancient Roman province from which Dalmatia takes its name. This may be a consequence of the map being used as both a campaign map and for the Prelude to War story mission, which takes place in the peninsula.