Endwar:JFK Space Center

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Template:Maps The John F. Kennedy Space Center is the primary construction and launch site for the US Freedom fleet, military shuttles for the next generation of US space dominance.

JFK Space Center is one of the locations in Tom Clancy's EndWar. It is first seen when the Forgotten Army attack the Freedom 4 lifter in May of 2020.

In the novel, it is mentioned when the failed attack on the lifter is recounted.

Assault & Conquest missions

JFK is a balanced battlefield with most of the uplinks located on the flanks. Secure the uplink right next to your deployment zone. Then try to secure a cluster of three uplinks in either the northwest or south-east, and also grab onto and hold one of the uplinks in the other cluster so you have five of the eight. Another option is to go after the uplink near your opponent's deployment zone after you secure a cluster on one side - especially if your opponent has forward deployed his or her deployment zone.The area around the central launching platform is pretty wide open. While it is good for tanks, it is deadly for infantry. Therefore, if your battalion is focused on infantry, send them out in transports to secure uplinks on the flanks, where they can more easily find cover.

The enemy sends tanks through the middle of the map. They are just sitting ducks for your gunships.

Load up your infantry units into transports and then send them to secure uplinks on the western and eastern flanks. While the infantry are doing their job, move the transports to attack enemy gunships. There is no reason they need to stay near the uplink with the meter running.

The western side of the map contains lots of woods through which your infantry can move on foot and be in cover the entire time. It is also difficult for vehicles to attack infantry in the middle of forested terrain. The player who begins in the south should really take advantage of this terrain.

During assault missions, keep your force's land vehicles concentrated and let the enemy come to you. Go ahead and send out gunships to scout for enemies.
