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Template:MapsThe Kurzeme uplinks were deployed by Russia as protection for the Baltic Pipeline Systems that run through the Baltic Sea area. Those two systems carry 2.9 million barrels per day of oil from Russia into Europe.

Assault & Conquest missions

Kurzeme is a good map for several different styles of play. You can either advance along the flanks or drive down the middle. Controlling Yankee and Zulu across the middle can form a good front that is tough to get around. If your deployment zone is in the south, get some engineers and riflemen up to the town between Delta and Foxtrot and garrison the northern buildings. These infantry can engage enemy reinforcements as well as spot for artillery and air strikes - destroying or at least damaging hostile units before they can really get into the battle.


  • Kurzeme is the Latvian name for the western Latvian territory of Courland.