Endwar:Major Alexei Noskov

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Born in 1980 in Kursk Oblast, Noskov joined the Russian Army at 17 to avoid imprisonment. At 19 he joined the elite 3rd Guards ObrSpN and served in the Second Chechen War from 1999 to 2005. It was during this tour of duty that an insurgent's rifle-propelled grenade blew off his left leg. No longer eligible for active combat duty, Noskov was reassigned to clerical duty with an HQ unit, where he demonstrated an unexpected talent for planning and directing operations remotely. A keen analyst of battle, Noskov can spot an enemy's weaknesses instantly. Were it not for his temper and tendency toward moderate insubordination, he would have risen beyond his current rank of Major.

Noskov serves as the Tactical Operations Officer for the SGB if the player selects them. He provides the player with pre-battle descriptions of the battlefield and gives minimal tactical advice that could be advantageous or a disadvantage. He also informs the player when an opponent has been beaten. Noskov will also inform a player at what supports such as Electronic Warfare each side may deploy.

Operation Names

As the player's executive officer, Noskov will assign most missions the player undertakes a random operation name. These names are derived from terms connoting violence, wild animals and monsters, as well terms associated with cleansing:

  • Bloodthirst
  • Rope Burn
  • Purify
  • Cossack
  • Medicine
  • Anti-toxin
  • Dragon Breath
  • Wolf's Teeth
  • Bear's Claw
  • Knife Thrust
  • Snowstorm
  • Frost Burn
