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Template:Maps Maxwell AFB, near Montgomery, Alabama, is the headquarters of the JSF's Air University and the Military Education and Training Center. All JSF air personnel train here.

Assault & Conquest missions

Nine uplinks make this map a big battle. Secure Whiskey as quickly as possible and defend it. Then go after Alpha and Yankee to create a front across the center of the map. Try using a lot of infantry on this map, with a couple of transports to bus them around. There are lots of buildings for garrisoning your infantry, and the more uplinks you grab right away, the more command points you will have for calling in reinforcements and support. During assault missions, the deployment zones are near Foxtrot and Sierra.

Artillery and tanks are well suited for this missions, which has open space between many of the structures. Heavy firepower is effective with the long lines of sight.

Infantry caught out in the open are decimated by vehicles of all types.

Load up infantry into transports and send them to secure the uplinks. This is safer than sending them out on foot since the uplinks are spread out.

Send your gunships out to locate that hostile artillery that is hitting your units. Then call in an air strike or destroy the artillery with your gunships.

Raid mission


The defender should rush units to the entrances to the base near Delta and Lima. Forget about Foxtrot since it is tough to defend at the start. The attacker should send a couple of tank platoons to destroy Foxtrot right at the start before the defender can react. Then get a large group of tanks together and push through the northern entrance to destroy Delta and then Whiskey. The latter is a fuel tank, which does not take much to blow up. Use one squad of riflemen to secure Bravo and Yankee so you can call in more reinforcements, and keep a transport platoon nearby to deal with hostile gunships.

Get those tanks rolling toward Foxtrot. It can be destroyed before the defenders can do much besides send some gunships to attack. Keep some transports nearby to deal with the air threat.

Keep rolling past Lima. Why waste time trying to destroy it when there is another target so much easier to destroy?

Whiskey is a group of fuel tanks in the northeast. While you can send tanks to destroy it quickly, it is even easier to send an air strike to blow it up. Even a level 1 air strike will do the job.

The attacker should roll his or her entire force of tanks and transports to attack Delta next. By now, get ready to be attacked by the defender, who should be in position to protect the structure.
