Endwar:Mi-55 Locust

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The Mi-55 Locust is the SGB's infantry transport and also serves as a deep strike transport and extraction crew for disabled units.


This hefty transport helicopter is an updated version of a Russian chopper first deployed in the late 1970s. It has been modified and enhanced regularly with improved power plants to support its surprisingly heavy construction and armour plating. The Locust can hold a squad of Bears or Wolves.[1]


Locusts have callsigns when dropping off or evacuating units. Their names are based on traditional Russian personal names:

  • Pyotr
  • Sasha
  • Sonia
  • Ivan
  • Misha
  • Yasha
  • Vladimir
  • Boris
  • Viktor
  • Sergei
  • Dmitri
  • Dima



  • The Mi-55 is likely designed after the Mi-24 Hind, which was created to be a transport and attack helicopter. In EndWar, it seems to be used as a transport and evacuation helicopter. Despite that it retains the YakB-12.7 Gatling gun, it is incapable of defending itself from attack when deploying/evacuating Infantry units.

See Also


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 44