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Template:Maps Moscow is the seat of power for Russia. All major command and control authority for both civilian and military affairs is controlled from within the walls of the Kremlin.

Assault & Conquest missions

Most commanders would consider the three uplinks within the central compound the key to victory - as long as they can also hold one of the four outer uplinks. However, the proximity of the central uplinks and the nearby buildings can make fighting inside the compound dangerous. Therefore, try to capture three of the outer uplinks, protect them with sentries, and then get your force ready to capture the fourth outer uplink - just not yet. Let your opponent start DEFCON by securing all three central uplinks and one outer uplink. Since you are on the losing end, crash one of the central uplinks to stop the countdown, then capture the fourth outer uplink. Save the WMD for a large concentration of enemy units near the end of the battle so your opponent won't have time to use the same attack against you.

The gunship vs. gunship clash is usually an opener since southern ground units must cross over the river via two bridges to get to the central part of the map.

If the southern player moves quickly, he or she can usually get some riflemen across the western bridge and in through the southern gate to secure Delta. Stealth makes this even easier.

After securing some or all of the uplinks in the central compound, get your infantry into buildings. From there, they can fire down on enemy units trying to recapture the uplinks.

Assault missions usually result in a major battle along the road east of the compound. Get engineers into buildings along here and make sure your force is concentrated for an attack, but not so close that artillery or air strikes will cripple your ability to fight.



Bravo is the critical uplink; the attacker must secure it to win. Both sides must rely on artillery for their heavy hitting. As your artillery comes under fire, quickly move it to a different location and behind a structure so that the enemy can't see it. Needless to say, the side with the most upgraded artillery has a major edge.


The attacker must hit the ground running, for they will be under artillery fire. Push exclusively on the side where Sierra is, as it’s the quickest path to the compound. Use concentrated firepower to destroy the drones and barriers on the bridges, and perimeters of the uplinks. Use IFVs to move your troops to Sierra so that they can be upgraded for air support. Make it a forward DZ. The enemy artillery must be taken care of with your artillery, airstrikes, and UCAVs if possible. Use gunships only as a last resort, because the amount of AA fire will likely make it a suicide mission for them.

While you’re getting rid of the artillery, start clearing a path to the compound. Use your riflemen, tanks, and artillery to clear out any infantry in buildings. Then, start blowing up the outer walls near Alpha. This will create openings for your infantry and vehicles to enter the compound, and prevent your army from being bottlenecked in the small gates. Using overwhelming force and airstrikes, wipe out all resistance and capture Bravo.


The defender should start shelling the enemy artillery immediately. Upgrade the central uplinks. Plant minefields at the larger entrances and pathways if you can, and then get your infantry into the buildings just outside the Kremlin gates. Keep your IFVs near your artillery to protect them from gunships. Put your UCAVs to work as well if you have them. Use your artillery to shell enemy uplinks if they have the range. Prioritize the enemy artillery, and then shell the remaining enemy forces. Do this well enough, and the enemy won’t even breach the compound.

If they do, send your vehicles to the breach and repel them.


South-Eastern corner of the Kremlin, the Red Square, and St Basil's Cathedral