Endwar:PAH-6 Cheetah

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Template:Vehicles The PAH-6 Cheetah is an attack helicopter in use by the European Federation Enforcer Corps.


Cheetah gunships assault Moscow with Hailstorm and Orbital Laser support.

The PAH-6 is a technological wonder due to its dual hydrogen-powered turboshaft engines. It is the second-generation version of a line of combat helicopters that were first deployed in 2003. Since then this series of attack choppers has demonstrated high lethality and survivability. The Cheetah is lighter, more energy efficient, and more maneuverable than previous generations by a wide margin.[1]

Tech Commentary

Europe has been on the forefront of alternative energy sources ever since 2009. As a result, units like the PAH-6 Cheetah are powered by some of the most technologically advanced “green” engines in the entire world. What’s amazing is that these engines are just as effective as their fossil fuel–powered counterparts from a generation ago. However, manufacturing these engines is complex and time-consuming.[2]

Cheetah Squadron flying into combat.

One unique feature of the Cheetah is its shrouded tail rotor. Not only does this reduce its acoustic signature, but it also protects the tail rotor from damage. The Cheetah is capable of a number of high-agility maneuvers and can even perform a loop while equipped with a full combat load-out.[3]

The Cheetah is armed with the HOT-3, an optically tracked, laser-guided missile using a tandem warhead. This reflects the EFEC’s peace-keeping roots—EFEC decided to equip the PAH-6 with optically guided missiles to minimize collateral damage. Also keeping with EFEC doctrine is the Cheetah’s emphasis on speed.[4]



  • Laser Guidance: Increases accuracy. Cost 100,000 CR
  • HOT Missiles: Missile upgrade. Increases damage and splash. Cost 300,000 CR
  • Area Effect Missiles: Upgrades HOT missiles to increase damage and splash. Cost 900,000 CR
  • Electronic Chamber: Increases rate of fire. Cost 1,200,000 CR
  • Platform Stabilizer: Increases accuracy. Cost 1,500,000 CR
  • Recoiless Autocannon: Increases range. Cost 1,800,000 CR
  • Caseless Ammunition: Increases damage significantly. Cost 2,100,000 CR


  • ECM Decoy: Increases shield durability. Cost 100,000 CR
  • Warning systems: Increases shield durability. Cost 300,000 CR
  • E-Warfare Suite: Increases shield durability significantly. Cost 900,000 CR
  • Ballistic Protection: Increases Hit Points. Cot 1,200,000 CR


  • Hydrogen Cells: Increases movement speed. Cost 100,000 CR
  • Power Unit: Increases movement speed. Cost 300,000 CR

Cheetah Callsigns

Cheetah callsigns are named after rare minerals and precious stones.

Standard Callsigns

(These Callsigns apply for the English, German and Spanish versions)

  • Sapphire
  • Chrome
  • Emerald
  • Cobalt
  • Corundum
  • Citrine
  • Onyx
  • Amethyst
  • Zircon
  • Titanium
  • Tungsten

French Callsigns

  • Titane
  • Lithium  
  • Chrome
  • Émeraude
  • Cobalt                    
  • Platine                   
  • Saphir                   
  • Onyx
  • Améthyste
  • Grenat
  • Fléau
  • Turquoise 



  • Given that the Gadfly is mentioned as being built by the same company that made the Cheetah, this would indicate that the Cheetah is built by Eurocopter (renamed Airbus Helicopters in 2014), due to the Gadfly's "EC" designation.

See Also

  • Ka-65 Howler
  • AH-80 Blackfoot


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 29
  2. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 29
  3. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 29
  4. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 29

Template:EndWar EFEC