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Template:Maps The Rondane uplink cluster is located just outside Rondane National Park in Mysusæter. The cluster provides critical warning and defense over the Arctic.

Assault & Conquest missions

Rondane is a fun and fast map. The large mountains in the north cause the action to be fast, furious, and up close right in the middle near Zulu. For conquest missions, whichever side secures four uplinks first starts the victory counter. However, this also triggers DEFCON, allowing the other player to cause some major damage. Therefore, secure the uplinks on your side of the map, letting your opponent grab Zulu and those on the opposite side of the map. As soon as DEFCON begins, crash the uplink near the enemy's deployment zone and then rush to grab as many of the remaining uplinks as you can. Save your WMD for when the enemy has several units concentrated in one area. Just as you use it, spread your units apart since you will be tasting a WMD against your forces shortly thereafter.