Endwar:Russian Federation

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Template:Infobox/Nation The Russian Federation is one of the superpowers on Earth and is one of the three factions in EndWar.

The world's premier supplier of oil and natural gas since the 2016 nuclear war in the Middle East, Russia has experienced an economic boom of epic proportions. It has used its newfound riches to build up its military to levels beyond the Cold War and is once again a true superpower in the world arena.[1]


Russia was founded in 862 and would go on to become the Kievan Rus in 882. The Kievan Rus would collapse due to pressure from the Mongol invasions, turning into a series of Mongol vassal states. These states would eventually be reunified under the Grand Duchy of Moscow, which would become the Tsardom of Russia in 1547. Russia continued to grow, notably expand eastwards into Siberia.

During the Napoleonic wars, Russia would defeat the French invasion in the War of 1812, leading to Russia becoming one of Europe's great powers. Russia would undergo modernisation during the late 19th and early 20th century but social tensions and the pressure from World War One led to the collapse of the Russian Empire and the formation of the revolutionary Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The USSR emerged as one of the victors of World War Two and then engaged in a period of extended geopolitical rivalry with the United States in the Cold War. In 1991, the Cold War would end with the collapse of the USSR and the Russian Federation would emerge as an independent state, suffering economic decline and social turmoil in the aftermath.

The destruction throughout the Middle East in 2016 resulted in the Russia becoming the world's primary supplier of oil and natural gas, causing the country to undergo a massive economic boom. With its new found wealth, the Russian government spends billions on the largest arms build up since the Cold War, including an independently built equivalent of the Space-Land-Air-Missile Shield. Through this arms build up and her control of world energy supplies, Russia aims to once again re-establish herself as a true superpower.

Russia views such arms build-up as necessary in order to establish her superpower position and due to fear of an American-European alliance attacking her to seize control of her valuable oil supplies.

Russia would soon provoke a war between Europe and the United States, fearing the two would ally together in order to seize Russia's strategically vital fossil fuel supplies, thus it was seen as necessary to push the two into fighting each other in order to prevent this. However, Russia would soon become embroiled in the conflict as well.

Annexed territories

A map of Eastern Europe, showing Russia in dark green and her zone of influence in light green

In 2018, some nations of Europe were too weak to meet the strict admission criteria of the European Federation, such as Belarus, Ukraine, the Baltics and some Balkan states. Consequently, Russia was able to absorb several of them into her sphere of influence. It would seem that most of these states remain nominally independent, as the Dukovany fusion reactor, while under Russian control, is explicitly stated to be in Belarus.

A map of Eastern Europe showing the Russian invasion of Poland during Act 8 of the Prelude to War shows Russia in dark green while Belarus and Ukraine are in light green. The map also shows the Baltic states to have been explicitly annexed (their national names are still visible, although these may just now be provincial names) into Russia proper, further evidenced by Russian control of the Kurzeme region. Ukrainian territory east of the Dnieper river seems to have been formally annexed into Russia as well.

Russia also has seems to have influence over much of the Balkans, with numerous territories there. While some of these appear to be isolated bases and facilities in otherwise anarchic regions, it seems Russia has possibly turned some Balkan nations into client states, as the refinery at Vlore in Albania is under Russian control but the EndWar novelisation indicates that Albania remains standing to some degree.[2] Russia also controls Thessaly in Greece despite it being stated to be part of the European Uplink network, making Greece's relationship to the two countries unclear.

News reports from the game indicate that Russia has also occupied Kazakhstan, apparently for access to its oil reserves, though the nature and extent of this occupation is unknown. Russia appears to be fighting an insurgency in the country.


Spetsnaz emblem
The Russian's military deploying troops

The Russian navy is known to possess one supercarrier and several escort ships for the carrier. It also possesses mobile offshore bases, which are mentioned in mission briefings as a means of deploying units.

Russia's military is known as the Russian Armed Forces. It consists of the Russian Federation Ground Forces (Сухопутные Войска, СВ), Russian Federation Air Force (Военно-Воздушные Силы, ВВС), Russian Federation Navy (Военно-Морской Флот, ВМФ), Airborne troops (Воздушно-Десантные Войска, ВДВ), Strategic Rocket Forces (Ракетные Войска Стратегического Назначения, РВСН)(likely abolished), Russian Space Troops (космические войска) and the newly formed elite Spetsnaz Guard Brigades. The SGB are veterans of Russia's many regional conflicts and seem to be the result of placing special forces into their own independent brigade sized units.


Russia's military intelligence service is the Main Intelligence Directorate, commonly known as GRU (Glavnoje Razvedyvatel ’noje Upravlenije).


The current President of Russia is Vsevelod Vsevelodovich Kapalkin. Russia appears to be an autocratic regime, with power concentrated in the hands of Kapalkin and other high-ranking government members such as Sergei Izotov. There is no other information on Russia's politics or political structure.


Russia is a fairly technologically advanced power, although not to the same extent as Europe and the United States. Russia lacks access to much in the way of robotics or directed energy weapons, however she does have access to high quality engineering capabilities, being able to design weapons that are just as capable as her rivals even if not quite as sophisticated. Russian materials science is also highly impressive, with Russia apparently being able to develop tough armour materials for her vehicles, such as the classified material for the heavily armoured T-100 Ogre. Russia also possess access to advanced cyberwarfare capabilities, demonstrated by the "Stiletto" computer virus that was used to hijack Europe's missile shield in order to destroy the Freedom IV lifter.

Russia is also developing fusion power, with the experimental fusion reactor complex at Dukovany producing 200 gigawatts annually.

Russia's intelligence service (GRU) also has the capacity to surgically implant microchips in its agents' heads, both for the purposes of tracking them and also remotely killing them in the event they are captured or compromised. However, despite anti-tampering measures, it is possible to deactivate the chips.[3][4]

Terrorist activities

Ever since the time of Nikita Kruschev Russian intelligence has been involved with promoting rebellion through the use of terrorist tactics and clandestine support of insurgent groups. The strategy was not fully realized until 1967 when Yuri Andropov became head of the KGB. Most recently Russian intelligence allegedly established "The Forgotten Army " and provided it with modern weapons, but when their attacks were not weakening it's enemies, it infected a EF laser sattelite, so it would fire at the Freedom Star shuttle, Freedom 4, so the US would declare war on the EF, which was a complete success.

World War III

Depending on how well you do in the war, Russia can become the victorious faction, or it will be defeated in the war. General Sergei Izotov will be pleased about Russia's victory, or he will be disappointed that the motherland has lost the war.

(Russia Victory)

"Colonel, the motherland is the victor of yet another great patriotic war. Not that this is a big surprise, but still it is a massive event. We have set our place at our head of the table, and it is a table with just one chair. The earth is so stingy it will support only one global power now. The others will slide off into extinction like ancient civilizations no one has heard of. Relish this victory and the dawn of a new Russian era you helped achieve."

(U.S.A. Victory)

“Colonel, we must face hard facts. The Americans have won this war and Russia is dead. If an obsolete concept of duty requires you to surrender to our invaders, and take chances with their notoriously self-righteous war crime tribunals, that is your choice. I will be heading elsewhere, to a more tropical climate, where men of will can yet carve out their destinies. I will need loyal men with command experience to assist in running my operations. I will need a decision before noon tomorrow. Dosvedanya.”

(European Federation Victory)

"Colonel, we must face hard facts, Europe has won this war. If an obsolete concept of duty requires you to surrender to our invaders and watch as they pervert the motherland into a gigantic wine and cheese shop, that is your choice. I will be heading elsewhere, to a more tropical climate, where men of will can yet carve out their destinies. I will need loyal men who are not squeamish to assist in running my operations. Give me your decision before noon tomorrow. Dosvedanya, Colonel.

News Reports

These are the news reports that will be said during the war. Based on how well Russia is doing in the war some news reports will be more positive, others will be negative.

Week 1 (New Commonwealth)

"Although insisting it is neutral, The New Commonwealth is agreeing to let European forces occupy and defend uplink sites built in the U.K. and Ireland prior the European Federation‘s founding in 2018."

Week 2 (Conscription)

"Urging all of Russia to rise up and defend the motherland, President Kapulkin today dissolved all age and gender exemptions for military conscription.”

Week 3 (Production)

(Russia Winning)

“President Kapulkin today celebrated Russian armies manufacturers for exceeding production targets in all sectors."

(U.S.A./Europe Winning)

“Learning that Russia’s enemies are building military hardware in record amounts, President Kapulkin is urging citizens to prepare for protracted hostilities.”

Week 4 (Parade)

(Russia Winning)

“President Kapulkin applauded the might of Russia’s Armed Forces from his viewing stand in Red Square today. Thousands turned out to view spectacle.”

(U.S.A./Europe Winning)

“Displaying images of recent military parades, President Kapulkin denounced the militarized fascism of Russia’s enemies."

Week 5 (Pope)

“The pope of the Roman Catholic Church is again urging Europe and America to cease their aggression against Russia…and each other.”

Week 6 (Arrests)

(Russia Losing)

“Terrorist Golgo 14 has been apprehended. The extranet hacker has been given the death penalty for charges of sedition and attempted murder.”

(Europe Losing)

“Europe continues to round up dissidents opposed to its war of aggression. The latest victim, peace activist and hacker, Paix Joueur.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

"America continues to round up dissidents opposed to their war of aggression. The latest victim, peace activist and hacker, NoWarMan."

Week 7 (Casualties)

(Russia Losing)

"President Kapulkin is characterizing last weeks casualty figures as misleading, for their failure to factor in the vastly superior kill ratio of Russia’s soldiers.”

(U.S.A./Europe Losing)

“A recent report shows that our enemies are paying a heavy cost to make war on our motherland.”

Week 8 (Naval Strike)

(Russia Losing)

"Sabotage of missile defense systems is being blamed for the destruction the RFS Uyanask, supercarrier and three escort ships."

(Europe Losing)

"The European supercarrier Jean d’arc II and several escort ships were destroyed earlier today by massive airstrikes.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

“The American supercarrier, George Bush, and several escort ships were destroyed earlier today by massive airstrikes.”

Week 9 (Israel)

"Citing that Israel has no desire to prolong the current war, Prime Minister, Yosi Elan, today announced the suspension of all military hardware sales to foreign powers."

Week 10 (Protests)

(Russia Losing)

"President Kapulkin is promising in immediate crack down on the foreign agitators responsible for recent anti-Russian protests. ‘It is possible we have we have been too lenient’ he said. ‘But no longer.’”

(Europe Losing)

“Thousands of European citizens filled the streets to protest the unwinnability of their governments war on Russia.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

“Thousands of American citizens have filled the streets of major cities to protest the unwinnability of their government's war on Russia."

Week 11 (Equatorial Drought)

"The equatorial drought is getting worse. Tens of thousands of climate refugees are being turned away from overcrowded camps in South America, Africa, and India."

Week 12 (Assassination Attempt)

(Russia Losing)

"President Kapulkin, has escaped an assassination attempt in Moscow without serious injury. The plot appears to have been carried out by foreign agents.”

(Europe Losing)

“European President Natalie Perreau has nearly escaped assassination by civilians opposed to the war.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

“American President, David Becerra, has narrowly escaped assassination. The car bomb attack was likely executed by citizens opposed to his Warhawk policies.”

Week 13 (Super Typhoon)

“The death toll from South China Sea’s super typhoons, Sepat and Lympha, has exceeded 300,000 and is still risking."

Week 14 (Uprising)

(Russia Losing)

"Heavy fighting continues in the streets of Astana, following yesterday’s surprise attacks by terrorist insurgents. President Kapulkin assured the public that Russian forces are winning the battle and that petroleum resources would remain secure.”

(Europe Losing)

“European forces are engaged in heavy fighting in the capitals of Libya and Nigeria. The heavily armed uprisings have cut them off guard.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

“American forces are engaged in heavy fighting in the capital of Venezuela where a heavily armed uprising has caught them off guard."

Week 15 (Forest Fires)

"With the global heatwave showing no signs of letting up, forest fires burn unchecked in the Amazon and the American west."

Week 16 (Riot Suppression)

(Russia Losing)

"Unruly mobs, agitated by enemy agents, rioted in several Russian cities, requiring the deployment of technical police and regular army units to restore order."

(Europe Losing)

“European police and military units have been ordered to crush rioting by thousands of their own citizens opposed to making war on Russia.”

(U.S.A. Losing)

“American police and military units are responding with an iron fist to rioting by thousands of their own citizens opposed to making war on Russia.”

Week 17 (Medical Quarantine)

"Calling Influenza M quarantine measures only partially successful, President Kapulkin is recommending that citizens stay indoors to minimize exposure and keep the streets clear."

Week 18 (Flooding)

“Another section of the Antarctic ice shelf has collapsed, bringing the year's total rise in sea level to 1.6 cm."

Week 19 (Food Stores)

"President Kapulkin is denying rumors of food shortages, saying chief of agriculture, Alexandr Polyakov, has guaranteed that food stores will last the winter and beyond."

Week 20 (Nuclear Detonation)

(Russia Losing)

"The death toll from this morning's detonation of a 15 kiloton nuclear device in St. Petersburg is expected to number in the tens of thousands."

(Europe Losing)

"The death toll from this morning's detonation of a 15 kiloton nuclear device in Rome's city center is expected to number in the tens of thousands."

(U.S.A. Losing)

"The death toll from this morning's rush hour detonation of a 15 kiloton nuclear device in Los Angeles is expected to number in the tens of thousands."

Week 21 (Military Barricades)

"President Kapulkin is explaining his decision to invoke martial law as necessary to expedite food distributions and that it will also contain the spread of Influenza M.

Week 22 (Citizen Lines)

“A friendly reminder that curfew hours are strictly enforced in all territories administered by the Russian government.”

Week 23 (Shut Down)

“SL 1 News will temporarily suspend broadcasts to address technical issues. Official government channels will continue to provide viewers with important news information. Thank you."


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 36
  2. Tom Clancy's EndWar by David Michaels, Chapter 6
  3. Tom Clancy's EndWar (Novel)
  4. Tom Clancy's EndWar: The Hunted