Endwar:Shenandoah Valley

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Template:Maps The US missile shield cluster within Shenandoah National Park provides protection from the Atlantic to Middlesboro, Kentucky, and from West Virginia's northern border to Virginia's southern border.

Assault & Conquest missions

The Shenandoah Valley, where Confederate General Thomas "Stonewall" Jackson bested the Union army on several occasions, is once again the site of battle. The valley contains nine uplinks. You must secure five just to start the countdown. Right at the start, send a transport platoon with an engineer squad to secure Yankee. Then secure all of the uplinks on your side of the bridge to gain control of a majority of the uplinks. Order your engineers to place minefields near the bridge, on the roadway near Lima, and at the entrances to the complex where Yankee is located. These minefields will help slow down enemy drives to get to the uplinks in your area.

Rush transports filled with engineers to Yankee to secure this uplink in a refinery complex.

Engineers in cover near the bridge can use their weapons to attack hostile vehicles coming across.

An air strike destroys three infantry squads bunched together. Keep your units spread out a bit to avoid this catastrophe; this battlefield has some narrow areas.

Follow the trails of the artillery shells back to their source and destroy the hostile artillery with gunships or air strikes before the enemy can kill your infantry and other units with bombardments.
