Endwar:T-100 Ogre

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Template:Vehicles The T-100 Ogre is the Main Battle Tank of the Spetznaz Guard Brigades.

Compared with its equivalents in other forces, the M5A2 Schwarzkopf and the Panther 1A3, the Ogre aims for sheer brute force. The new massive 125mm smoothbore high-velocity cannon provides it with firepower unrivalled by any other anti-vehicle weapon, while the combination of heavy composite armor plating, explosive reactive armor, Shtora electronic countermeasure system and Arena hard-kill anti-missile system allow it to absorb phenomenal mounts of punishment.

In the Endwar novel, it was seen in the Battle of Moscow, where it was destroyed by a Javelin Missile fired by Zack Murrow.


The Ogre is a true beast on the battlefield. Its 125mm smoothbore gun is massive and powerful, and its armor is the toughest in the world. When the T-100 lumbers onto the battlefield it enjoys a level of dominance unheard of since the Tiger tanks of World War II. The T-100 can even be fitted with anti-aircraft guns, allowing it to engage nearly any kind of enemy unit it encounters.[1]

Tech Commentary

If there's one thing the Russians have excelled at, it's making tough armored vehicles. In terms of raw firepower and armor, no other tank in the world matches the T-100. Its massive 125mm smoothbore gun is of a completely new design and dwarfs those of other tanks. The range and full capabilities of the Ogre's main gun are a tightly-kept secret.[2]

Standard T-100's are already incredibly lethal, but the SGB have continued to upgrade and modify these behemoths. One popular upgrade is to fit the Ogre with two 27mm anti-aircraft guns, one attached to each side of the turret. The Ogre can also be upgraded with a mine plough that enables it to carve channels through enemy minefields. This helps compensate for the lack of Russian smart mine technology.[3]

The actual thickness and composition of the T-100's armor is also a well-kept secret, but it is known that the SGB employs a number of additional survivability features in the Ogre, such as next-generation explosive reactive armor. One of the reasons so little information is available on the Ogre is because the first T-100s rolled off the assembly lines in late 2018. This void of information has only led to widespread speculation, and very often, exaggeration of its abilities.[4]

T-100 Tactics


Against this monster, try sniping at it with a M5A2 Schwarzkopf first, and then engage it fully. Helicopters are still your best go to unit to deal with Ogres, however late game veterans will use their flamethrowers and AA machineguns to defend themselves. This will typically end with some damage to your Gunships, but the tank will still get smashed unless another unit comes to save it. Artillery also works well, but keep the T-100 busy so that it doesn't move away from arty fire.


Well, the EFEC doesn't have anything able to go toe-to-toe with a fully loaded T-100 Ogre. So hit-and run tactics with multiple Panther 1A3 units are excellent, and artillery, especially with the MLRS Special Attack, are excellent against this slow moving monster.


Ogres are the slowest MBT in the game, and therefore are very vulnerable to being picked off by Gunships and Artillery. Always make sure that there is another unit available to defend it against hostile air units or to go after Artillery hitting it from afar. Artillery and Riflemen are good support units for Ogres, as they can deal with Infantry in cover. Using the King Spider's Ru-20 Bodyguards to provide additional protection is also a good strategy, but remember that the Ogre moves faster than the RU-20s do. Due to its shorter range, if planning on using Ogres to fight Schwarzkopfs then be sure to get within attack range before exposing your Ogres. JSF tanks have lower health and shield, so getting the first hit is crucial.



  • Bunker Buster Shell: Increases Damage. Cost 100,000 CR
  • Bumblebee: Unlocks Special Attack: Bumblebee chemical flamethrower. Increases anti-infantry effectiveness. Cost 300,000 CR
  • Auto-loader: Increases damage. Cost 900,000 CR
  • High Velocity Cannon: Increases Range. Cost 1,200,000 CR
  • APFSDS: Increases Damage. Cost 1,500,000 CR
  • Platform Stabilizer: Increases accuracy. Cost 1,800,000 CR
  • Air Defense (Twin AA machine gun upgrade): Increases damage against gunships. Cost 2,100,000 CR


  • Kontakt Armor: Increases hit points. Cost 100,000 CR
  • Shtora Jammer: Increases shield durability. Cost 300,000 CR
  • Explosive Reactive Armor: Increases HP. Cost 900,000 CR
  • ARENA Active Defense: Increases sheild durability significantly. Cost 1,200,000 CR


  • Power Unit: Increases speed. Cost 100,000 CR

Ogre Callsigns

The Callsigns for the Ogre are mostly those taken from monsters, or other large brutish animals, fitting the Ogre's reputation.

  • Ogre
  • Troll
  • Mastodon
  • Bullmoose
  • Rhino
  • Minotaur
  • Warpig
  • Bison
  • Bugbear
  • Dragon
  • Griffon
  • Mammoth



  • Due to two parallel T-series designations existing in the USSR before and during WWII, a T-100 designation was already applied to the T-100 prototype twin-turret heavy tank.
  • The game lists Ogre tank as weighing 60 t and being armed with 125mm gun, whereas in the EndWar novel, the tank is stated to weigh 50 t and sport 152mm gun[5].
  • The gun on the model appears larger than 125mm, closer to real life experiments to implement 152mm cannons on Soviet tanks, which seems to have helped fuel popular misconception about the weapon's calibre. A high-velocity, long-barrel 152.4 mm tank gun is the most powerful weapon ever mounted in a rotating turret of a land vehicle. So far it has only been mounted on experimental tanks - for example, late Soviet prototype Object 292. Two closest contenders amongst vehicles that were in use would be the WWII-era Soviet KV-2, with a 152 mm bunker-buster howitzer, and the Cold War-era American M551 Sheridan, mounting a 152 mm gun/missile launcher. Both however had much lower muzzle velocity and recoil.
  • T-100 Ogre's formidable size is highly unorthodox for Soviet/Russian school of tank-building. All Soviet (and later Russian) main battle tanks that seen mass production were designed to be compact and relatively lightweight, so that transporting them would be easier. One can say Ogre is a descendant of Soviet experimental heavy tanks as opposed to real-world Soviet/Russian MBTs that trace their origin to medium tanks.
  • Interestingly, years after EndWar release Russian armed forces revealed the next generation T-14 MBT that is notably larger than Soviet legacy tanks. Still, as of early 2023, these new tanks haven't seen mass production or battlefield use.
  • Seeing autoloader in upgrade section implies that T-100 by default lacks autoloader, which is odd for a number of reasons: 1) autoloaders are ubiquitous feature of all Russian main battle tanks since 1960s; 2) loading 125 mm projectiles manually would put a huge strain on the human loader and drastically reduce effective fire rate (doubly so if it's 152 mm); 3) installing an autoloader would require complete rework of tank's interior and even frame. One can assume this upgrade doesn't install autoloader but merely improves the existing one.
  • The mounting of the Bumblebee flamethrower is also vastly unconventional. Soviets were notable for their development of remarkably effective flame tanks, primarily because these tanks retained their main guns and mounted the flame projector instead of a co-axial or hull machine gun. Furthermore, since 1950s flamethrowers that projected a stream of burning fuel have been phased out in favor of rocket-propelled incendiaries, still known in Russian parlance as flamethrowers; in particular, the RPO-A Shmel' ("Bumblebee"). Notably, concept art depicts the T-100 equipped with what appears to be a 30-mm autocannon flanked by a quad "anti-personnel" rocket launcher.
    • If the player were to zoom in with the camera onto any Ogre armed with the Bumblebee upgrade, bullets can be seen going from what appears to be an ammunition box/fuel container and into the gun itself.
    • The "Bumblebee" might have been meant to actually be a rocket style weapon like its real world counterpart, and was accidentally portrayed as a jet stream style flamethrower.
    • Strangely, the Defense upgrades for the JSF and EEC tanks give the vehicles short ranged defense turrets that engage all enemies within range, yet the T-100 does not get that upgrade. In fact, the only secondary weapon that is fired normally along side the main cannon is the 12.7mm KORD turrets that are aquired through a DLC-only Attack upgrade. However, these turrets cannot engage closeby enemies like the other factions' tanks.
  • The spikes on the front of the tracks appear to be mine plows. They serve no functional purpose in game and are added to emphasize on tank's brutal appearance.
  • The dual autocannons at the rear of the tank turret are design feature most likely inspired by real-life T72M2 Moderna, Slovakian modification of the T72 main battle tank.
  • The line about "level of dominance unheard of since the Tiger tanks of World War II" is ironic, because on Eastern front Tiger tanks never quite had the dreaded reputation they earned in Europe fighting Allies. After brief period of outclassing Soviet KV heavy tanks, Tigers had to face newer IS-series heavy tanks that were more than a match for them.

See Also

  • M5A2 Schwarzkopf
  • Panther 1A3


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 40
  2. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 40
  3. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 40
  4. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 40
  5. Tom Clancy's EndWar by David Michaels, Chapter 1 "With a sudden lurch, the fifty-ton tank rumbled closer, its 152mm smoothbore main gun swiveling menacingly"

Template:EndWar SGB