Endwar:Three Mile Island

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Template:MapsThree Mile Island Nuclear Station, the site of the worst US nuclear accident, was refit in 2014 with the world's most advanced 4th-generation reactor. Power for the entire northeastern US is generated here.

Assault & Conquest missions

Three Mile Island is a battlefield with nine uplinks. Secure those on your side of the river first. Although you might consider going after Yankee, your enemy is probably going to make a big effort to capture it, so push across either the northern or southern bridge and capture the two uplinks on the other side. This gives you six of the nine uplinks-and the victory if you can hold them.

The island in the middle of the map is connected to the mainland on either side by bridges to the north and south as well as by fords in the middle. This limits movement, but units can still fire across the river at enemies on the opposite side.

Get some infantry to Yankee as soon as possible to secure it. Then make it your new deployment zone so you can bring in reinforcements right to the middle of the battlefield.

The woods north and south of Yankee can conceal enemy units. Get a bird's-eye view to find them.

After securing Yankee, send gunships and other units across the river to engage hostiles before they can get close enough to attack the island.
