Endwar:Unit Classes

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This is a summary of all types of units in EndWar, along with a brief description of their strengths and weaknesses.

Main Units

Main Units are the ones you can directly control by clicking on them.

Enforcer Corps' units of all the seven main types


Riflemen are basic infantry. They are armed with assault rifles, and can upgrade to sniper rifles, and are excellent at destroying engineers. However they lack anti-tank systems, so watch out for IFVs and, especially, MBTs. Despite this, Riflemen in cover can deal a good chunk of damage against a single Tank unit if they get the drop on them. Maxed out Defense Riflemen can be stubborn pests when dug in well enough.

With some upgrades, they can receive stealth abilities, building-clearing skills and the ability to deploy anywhere on the battlefield. Additionally, they are also much faster than the engineers, making them great at early game uplink grabs.

Good Against: Engineers, Artillery (at close range) and drones.

On Par Against: Command Vehicles, Riflemen, Gunships, and UAVs. In cover IFVs.

Terrible Against: MBTs, Artillery (at long range). Out of cover IFVs.

  • EFEC - Kommandos
  • JSF - Ghosts
  • SGB - Wolves


Engineers are heavy anti-vehicle infantry and tech experts. They are armed with close-range automatic weapons and anti-tank missile systems, making them able to wreak havoc on tanks and IFVs when in cover or garrisoned. However they are terrible against riflemen, even inside cover. They are also slow and rather ineffective outside of cover. For some reason, they are considered equal in strength against Gunships out of cover.

They can acquire numerous upgrades to expand their special capabilities. They capture and upgrade uplinks quickly, and can call down sentry units to guard them, and can plant anti-tank minefields, which, in case with JSF and SGB, can also be anti-helicopter.

Good Against: Command Vehicles, In cover IFVs, MBTs, Gunships, Artillery (at close range), UAVs, and drones.

On Par Against: Drones, Engineers, Gunships out of cover.

Terrible Against: Riflemen, Artillery (at long range). Out of cover IFVs, MBTs.

  • EFEC - Grenadiers
  • JSF - Pioneers
  • SGB - Bears


Formally, they are known as Infantry Fighting Vehicles (IFVs). Their purpose is to both transport infantry squads and provide fire support (fight). To do that, they are usually equipped with autocannons - oversized machine guns firing bursts of 30 or 57 mm shells. IFVs in the EndWar universe are specifically adapted for anti-aircraft duties (with SGB literally putting elements of old AA systems onto their new unit), as their weapons have a good angle of elevation and rate of fire, quite easily knocking gunships out of the sky, but their comparatively light weapons can't breach heavy armour very effectively.. Being lightly armoured themselves, they are easy prey even for Force Recon's older tanks.

Special attacks and unit-specific weaponry includes replacement of a gun with missiles (more cosmetic than effectiveness) and addition of a high-powered microwave emitter, and a sonic less-than-lethal defensive device for EFEC, a railgun, co-axial .50 cal MG, a defensive gun and rocket pods for JSF, and both guided anti-tank missiles and rockets for SGB.

Good Against: Command Vehicles, Artillery (at close range), Drones, Gunships, UAVs. Riflemen and Engineers out of cover.

On Par Against: IFVs, Riflemen in cover.

Terrible against: MBTs, Artillery (at long range), Engineers in cover.

  • EFEC - AMZ-26 Badger
  • JSF - M118 Fastback
  • SGB - BTR-112 Cockroach


Formally known as Main Battle Tanks (MBTs) , these are somewhat cumbersome, but well-protected and heavily-armoured ground vehicles. Their main guns are second in caliber only to Artillery, quite accurate, and can blow clean though IFVs or wipe out any infantry in the open, but have a limited angle of elevation, which means they can not effectively engage helicopters.

Each of the faction's tanks can receive additional armament: EFEC use an HPM or an anti-infantry laser, JSF add both a co-axial machine gun and a defensive automatic grenade launcher, whereas SGB bolt on a chemical flamethrower and, in a paid DLC (or the PC Steam version), anti-aircraft guns.

Good Against: IFVs, Command Vehicles, Artillery (at close range), Drones, Riflemen, Engineers out of cover.

On Par Against: MBTs

Terrible against: Gunships, Artillery (at long range), UAVs, Engineers in cover.

  • EFEC - Panther 1A3
  • JSF - M5A2 Schwarzkopf
  • SGB - T-100 Ogre


Formally Self-Propelled Artillery (SPA) or Self-Propelled Howitzers (SPH), these are platforms with heavy guns that fire in a ballistic arc. Their advantage is a combination of range and firepower. Their biggest disadvantage is that they are fragile and can not defend themselves against anything that flies, or anything ground-based that has moved into their minimal range.

EFEC and JSF use 155 mm howitzers, with additional rocket pods as an upgrade, whereas SGB mount a pair of 152.4 mm howitzer-cannons on each of their vehicles.

Good Against: All ground units at long range.

On Par Against: Artillery.

Terrible Against: Gunships, all ground units at close range, UAVs.

  • EFEC - AMZ-50 Marksman
  • JSF - M320 Spartan
  • SGB - KV-20 Zhukov


Gunships (attack helicopters) are heavily armed and lightly armoured rotary wing aircraft. Being aircraft, they are highly mobile, and have a great line of sight. Their specialty is hunting down units that can't fight back - tanks and artillery, whereas IFVs, engineers or even groups of riflemen can shredder them easily unless they retreat - which is something they are good at doing. All gunships are uniformly equipped - an autocannon and rocket pods as the standard munitions, and anti-tank missiles as the special ones.

Good Against: MBTs, Artillery, and Riflemen out of cover.

On Par Against: Gunships, Command Vehicles, UAVs, and Riflemen in cover.

Terrible against: IFVs, Drones, and Engineers in cover.

  • EFEC - PAH-6 Cheetah
  • JSF - AH-80 Blackfoot
  • SGB - Ka-65 Howler

Command Vehicle (CV)

With knowledge being power these days, Command Vehicles supplement standard Overlord interface, providing enhanced battlefield communication and observation capabilities. Without one of them you're stuck without SITREP, which is a bird's eye view strategic map. A CV is deployed with a squad of ground drones and can be upgraded to deploy a UAV, an airborne drone (or even a UCAV, an armed drone). However, while it can be quite a damage sponge, its weaponry is limited and is most effective against helicopters; all in all, keep it in the rear echelon.

Good Against: Drones, Artillery (at close range), Riflemen and Engineers out of cover.

On Par Against: Gunships, Riflemen in cover.

Terrible against: IFVs, MBTs, Artillery (at long range), Engineers in cover.

  • EFEC - LV-20 Charlemagne
  • JSF - C1A5 Archon
  • SGB - MAZ-660 King Spider

Support Units

These units can not be directly controlled by the player (with the exception of the UAVs), lack shields and are not a part of the persistent battalion.

Ground Drones

Small remote-controlled ground vehicles (or, in case with SGB, some cannon fodder conscripts), they are either attached to a command vehicle (in which case they are automatically respawned if the unit is destroyed, and can be ordered to protect or attack a unit or uplink) or a unit of them is dropped to cover an uplink. They are quite effective against gunships (as they are armed with armor-piercing munitions, machine guns, missiles or lasers), but are of limited effectiveness against everything else and are particularly vulnerable to riflemen.

Good Against: Gunships, UAVs, Artillery (at close range).

On Par Against: Engineers out of cover, Drones.

Terrible against: Riflemen, IFVs, MBTs, Artillery (at long range), Engineers in cover.

  • EFEC - Archer Combat Drone
  • JSF - PD-6 Rottweiler
  • SGB - RU-20 Bodyguards


A flying drone spawned by the upgraded CV, it carries a camera, making the Fog of War much smaller and can see about half the entire field, if on a small map. It can be upgraded to carry weaponry and ordered to attack targets or defend units.

In their UCAV mode, they can be ordered to attack a single unit. If that unit is destroyed, then the UCAV will automatically return to the CV until ordered again. This unit functions like a Gunship unit, thus is stronger than MBTs and Artillery and vulnerable to anti-air units.

  • EFEC - Eaglefly
  • JSF - MQ-3 Scryer
  • SGB - Tu-3 Vulture

Force Recon

Basically, they are regular army soldiers that enter the battlefield as a support to your special forces. All Force Recon units are weaker than their special forces counterparts due to the lack of a shield.


Deployed either via FAVs or spawned across the frontline at the beginning of a battle, regular Riflemen units are early game fodder that can pose a threat to your Engineers and potentially your Gunships if there are enough of them clustered up. Let them kill each other or engage them with IFVs, MBTs, or Artillery. They are terrible against anything except engineers, and only on par against other riflemen, drones and gunships.

Good At: Attacking Gunships, Engineers, Drones, UAVs, Artillery at close range.

Terrible at: Attacking MBTs, IFVs, Riflemen in cover, Artillery at long range.


Fast Attack Vehicles are lightly armoured off-road vehicles armed with missiles and machine guns. They carry a single unit of Riflemen, and thus destroying them will also destroy the Riflemen inside. They function like Transports, and can provide anti-air power, and are weak to MBTs and Artillery.

Good At: Attacking Gunships and UAVs, Riflemen, Engineers out of cover, Artillery in close range, and Drones.

Terrible at: Attacking MBTs, Engineers in cover, Riflemen in cover, and Artillery at long range.

  • European Federation Army - Puma AFV
  • United States Army - Humvee
  • Russian Federation Ground Forces - KMDB Dozor


Previous generations of main battle tanks that can be used to force a hole through the enemy's defence, counter an offense, or deny access to an area similarly to your own MBTs. However, due to not having an shields, they will suffer loses against their superior successors.

Good At: Attacking Riflemen, IFVs, Engineers out of cover, Artillery at close range, Drones.

Terrible at: Attacking Gunships, Engineers in cover, UAVs, Artillery at long range, full health MBTs.

  • European Federation Army - Leopard 2
  • United States Army - M1 Abrams
  • Russian Federation Ground Forces - T-80

Air Support

Multirole fighters modified for ground attack, these show up when you call in an Air Strike. They can be upgraded to attack with different, more powerful munitions such as Laser Guided Bombs. The only way to down them in game is by a well placed EMP strike, which is extremely difficult to do. They are very damaging to everything on the field, but very costly in command points.

Remember, airstrikes do not damage shields, they bypass shields and directly damage an enemy unit.

  • EFEC - Eurofighter Hailstorm
  • JSF - A-20 Razorback
  • SGB - Su-38 Slamhound

Unit Transports

They can be effectively intercepted with a timely Level 1 Air Strike, or some infantry or IFVs guarding the deployment zone.


Carrying a squad of infantry who fast-rope down the hatch, or 4 ground drones that roll off a ramp, This unit is fast, and the deployment time is fast as well. This is also the unit that carries out extraction of downed friendly troops.

  • EFEC - EC 220 Gadfly
  • JSF - V-25 Goshawk
  • SGB - Mi-55 Locust


These monsters carry four tanks or other armoured vehicles into battle, although they usually seem to have enough space to fit in only one or two of them. This transport is slightly slower than their infantry or drone-carrying counterparts, and have more health.

  • EFEC - EC-660 Whirlwind
  • JSF - V-120 Valkyrie
  • SGB - Mi-80 Tarantula