Endwar:V-120 Valkyrie

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Template:UAV The V-120 Valkyrie is a tilt-rotor tactical transport aircraft. It is in use by the United States Joint Strike Force.


After the V-25 Goshawk was shown to be a success, a much larger, quad-rotor version of the aircraft was created. Christened the V-120 Valkyrie, it serves as the JSF's main heavy-lift transport aircraft.[1]


Valkyries have callsigns when deploying vehicles. Their callsigns are derived from Norse gods:

  • Jotun
  • Loki
  • Odin
  • Thor
  • Baldur
  • Tyr



  • The V-120 is the largest transport craft in the game.
  • As with all heavy transports, it is unlikely that a V-120 would be able to carry four armoured vehicles alone. However, this is no doubt included for gameplay reasons.
  • The V-120's design may be based off of the proposed Bell Boeing Quad TiltRotor.

See Also

  • EC 660 Whirlwind
  • Mi-80 Tarantula


  1. Tom Clancy's EndWar: Official Game Guide, page 26