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Template:Maps The Vlore refinery is the end point of the major Black Sea area oil pipelines and the start point of pipelines carrying well over 100 million tons of oil annually into Europe's heartlands.

Assault & Conquest missions

For this battle, Foxtrot and Lima are the key positions. Send engineers in transports to secure them right at the start. The engineers can upgrade them, place minefields along the roads leading to them, and deploy drones to help protect them. Order a riflemen squad to secure the uplink near your deployment zone, and then either Bravo or Yankee - whichever is closest. Once you have these four uplinks, you have enough to win - even if the enemy crashes one of your uplinks.

Rush troops to the central uplinks to create a front across the middle of the battlefield and deny these uplinks to the enemy.

There is usually a lot of fighting in the passes between the hills east of Foxtrot. The hills block line of sight and line of fire, so it can be difficult to detect and attack enemies until you are up close.

Artillery's indirect-fire capability can be very useful for hitting units behind hills or structures.

Since the uplinks are so far apart, assign a transport platoon to each rifle squad to carry them around the battlefield quickly and securely.
