Endwar:Washington, D.C.

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Template:Maps Washington, D.C. is the capital of the United States of America. All civilian and military authority for the U.S. resides within or nearby this city, making it a vitally important area of control to the U.S. war effort.

Assault & Conquest missions

This is a large battlefield with both open areas and areas with lots of buildings. It is interesting to try a strategy that uses primarily infantry. Secure the uplink closest to your deployment zone. Then send pairs of squads to the north and south to begin securing uplinks there. The goal is to take control of at least five uplinks so you can control the majority. After your infantry squads have secured and upgraded your uplinks, garrison them in buildings near the uplinks, from where they can attack enemies trying to get to your uplinks.

The uplinks to the north and south are right among buildings. Send infantry to secure these locations and to engage enemy infantry with the same type of mission.

Most of the fighting takes place in the large open piece of land stretching from Foxtrot to Lima.

Use the vantage point of one of your gunship units. It helps you sight enemy units in the distance so you can prepare a response before they get into range to attack.

After upgrading uplinks, start calling in air strikes on enemy units or buildings in which infantry are garrisoned.

Siege mission


Lima is the critical uplink in Washington, D.C. It is near the eastern edge of the map.


The push towards Lima will be blocked by barriers. Destroy them with whatever vehicles you have at your disposal. Put your riflemen inside IFVs so that they can reach Alpha and Yankee faster. Upgrade them to acquire air support, and make one of them your forward DZ. You’ll need fresh troops and airstrikes for the next phase of the mission.

Send whatever gunships you have towards Lima to destroy the enemy artillery. Keep these helicopters alive if you can, but don’t expect them to survive. If they fail to kill the artillery, use the line of sight so that your artillery and airstrikes can finish the job. While you deal with the artillery, push towards Lima itself. You’ll need your riflemen to detect possible minefields, and kill any drones and engineers. If you killed the enemy artillery, use your artillery to help chip away at the defenses in Lima. You’ll eventually create a breach, where it’s safer for your vehicles to move in and overwhelm the enemy. Capture Lima ASAP, or kill all the defenders to end the siege.

If you don’t do either of these in 10 minutes, the battle will become one of attrition. It’s a battle you’re in danger of losing, since you might’ve went through many of your reserves. Your force that tried and failed to secure Lima or kill all the defenders might be tightly concentrated, so expect their deaths via WMD.  An uplink will also be crashed, likely the one you used as a forward DZ. After you use a WMD to wipe out the enemy’s force recon and deploying units, you can either treat this as an Assault match or try another push for Lima.


Defenders will need to hold out for 10 minutes without support or reinforcements. If you’re defending DC, upgrade the nearby uplinks with your engineers. Plant minefields at key chokepoints if you wish, and then get them inside the bunkers. Enemy artillery will be bombarding your units, so they must be destroyed or your defenses will be severely weakened. Destroy them with your own artillery and UCAVs if possible. Send your gunships to do the same, but make sure they come back alive. You’ll need them to fight tanks.

Assuming you wipe out the artillery, you can then put yours to work bombarding the enemy as they advance. If they have the range, bomb the enemy uplinks so that they can’t use airstrikes and pick off your units. Otherwise, keep them far back and surrounded by anything that can take on gunships. If the enemy gets within striking distance of Lima, find and destroy their riflemen with tanks and artillery if you still have them. If you have riflemen, they can also repel infantry. Otherwise, their riflemen will kill your drones and engineers. Beyond that, do whatever you can to hold out for 10 minutes.

Once you get reinforcements, start deploying your troops and use your supports. Unless you’re about to lose Lima or need it retaken ASAP, hold off on your WMD. If you use it, the enemy can retaliate and wipe out many of your reinforcements before they even reach the battle. Keep the enemy away from Lima, and play as if you were in an assault match. Since you now have more reserves, push the enemy back and break the siege.


  • The presence of skyscrapers surrounding the National Mall suggests that the Height of Buildings Act of 1910 has been repealed or amended by 2020 (an amendment in fact happened in 2014 under Barack Obama's presidency)


File:Washington D.C..png
Washington, D.C.