Ernesto Brossa

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Ernesto Brossa is a character that appears in the novel, Firing Point. He is the father of CNI agent Laia Brossa.


Ernesto and an unnamed woman concieved Laia in the 1990s. His wife died in a car accident in 2001. Ernesto taught english as a teacher for twenty years which allowed his daughter, Laia to become fluent in the language. During this time, he also worked as a translator for the Spanish Defense Ministry at NATO Headquarters in Brussels. It was here that he met CIA agent Jack Ryan and learned he was a spy. In the late 2010s, Ernesto started suffering from dementia and despite english being his third language, he forgot how to speak it. This forced Laia to move him into her home in Barcelona and hire caretakers for him. He regularly had episodes, forcing Laia to constantly hire new caretakers which began to take a toll on her.

On October 28, 2020, Ernesto had one of his rare moments of bliss where he remembered how to speak english. He greeted his daughter that morning after she had returned from a raid on a Brigada Catalan compound. While outside on the patio with his daughter, Jack Ryan, Jr. called her and asked to meet up with her. At the end of the call, Ernesto asked her who he was. Unaware of Jack's true identity, she told him he was an American tourist named Jack Ryan. Ernesto grew alarmed, telling her not to trust him as he was a spy. He then told a confused Laia that he had met him during his time as a translator, confusing Jack for his father. Laia did not believe him, assuming it was just his dementia acting up again. Ernesto then described Ryan, noting his handsome looks and blue eyes. While surprised by the accurate description, Laia lied to her father and told him she believed him. She then said she would be careful around Jack, prompting Ernesto to offer to loan her his pistol. Laia reminded him she had her own and said her goodbyes as she departed to meet Jack. This was the last time Ernesto would see his daughter as she was murdered by Bykov several hours later.

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