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Falcon is the first episode of Season 3 of Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan. It premiered on December 21, 2022 on Amazon Prime Video.


Jack Ryan is called into service to right a wrong against his country. Using the latest technology and help of a loyal friend he jumps into action to prevent chaos, that could destroy democracy and our republic.


Russia - 1969

A secret project to develop a nuclear weapon, Sokol, is deactivated. Under the orders of Luka Gocharov, a Soviet officer, all of the project scientists are killed.

Roma - Present Day

Jack Ryan learns that Sokol has been reactivated, and is informed that a 3-megaton nuclear weapon may have already been developed. He receives a tip from an asset, Zoya Ivanova. With this, Jack predicts that Sokol is part of an older Soviet war plan to sow confusion in western Europe, culminating in the detonation of a nuclear weapon.

Jack is sent the location of a cargo ship, and organizes a team to retrieve what he suspects is the weapon. After leading a team to the ship, he discovers that the payload is a Sokol project scientist, Yuri, who is trying to defect from Russia. The team drops Yuri and Jack off at a rally point on a beach in Greece, but they are quickly ambushed. Much of the extraction team is killed, and Jack and Yuri flee to Athens. Jack and Yuri evade their pursuers, led by a Russian spy Konstantin, but Yuri is killed. Jack escapes and calls Greer and Elizabeth Wright, the Rome station chief. They inform Jack that the investigation into Sokol is being terminated, and that he is to return to Rome, as he is wanted for killing a Greek police officer. Greer advises Jack to flee, and he destroys his phone and escapes into Athens.

Prague, Czech

President Alena Kovac prepares to meet with Dmitry Popov, the Russian Defense Minister. During a publicity event at a soccer game between the Russian and Czech teams, Popov is shot and killed.