Igor Kryvov

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Igor Kryvov is a former member of Rainbow and a character that appears in the novel, Command Authority.


Igor Kryvov was a member of Ukraine's Security Service Alpha Group before he was recruited by Rainbow to be an assaulter on Domingo Chavez's team. During a training accident, his main parachute failed to open and his reserve chute caught high winds that send him into the ground. He broke both of his legs, shattered his pelvis, and nearly bled to death due to compound fractures. After being forced to retire from Rainbow as a result of his injuries, Kryvov joined the Kiev municipal police and later earned a master's degree in criminal intelligence.

For a short time, he was a investigator for the Ukrainian Ministry of Internal Affairs. Corruption was rampant throughout the organization and Kryvov's insistence to play by the book ultimately resulted in his firing. Afterwards, Kryvov turned to the private sector and started completing freelance security work by guiding foreigners around Kiev, Ukraine.

Psychological Profile

Kryvov's injuries gave him a slight stoop and pronounced limp. Despite several surgeries and a long history of professional violence, he always wore a smile on his face.