Lars Gummesson

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"Back when Rainbow was actually used in direct action, that is to say, back when you were in charge, I am sure you learned many things that will be helpful in the coming hours. I hope to see action tonight in any way you can use me. Mr. Clark, until this crisis has passed, Rainbow is yours."
— Lars Gummesson to John Clark

General Lars Gummesson is a character that appears in the novel, Locked On, serving as the Director of Rainbow.


Gummesson is a former member of the Swedish Special Forces. Following Alistair Stanley's retirement from Rainbow in 2008, Gummesson was appointed the new Rainbow Director. Upon taking command, however, Gummesson found that countries no longer supported Rainbow like they had a decade prior. This resulted in Rainbow being called upon less often, budget cuts, as well as inadequate field experience for newer operatives.

These problems became apparent a few months later when Muslim Dagestani terrorists hijacked the Baikonur Cosmodrome, a Russian space port, and threatened to launch a nuclear weapon on Moscow unless their imprisoned commander was freed from military custody. After Russian special forces and Rainbow failed to retake the launch facility, the Russian government and NATO force Gummesson to temporary relinquish command of Rainbow to former Director John Clark. Gummesson had no issues with this, as he believed it was the right call to have someone with Clark's experience and reputation lead such an important operation. Despite some causalities, Rainbow was successful in the operation.

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