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The M-60 is a weapon used in the Ryanverse.


The M-60 is a machine gun used by the U.S. Army, and the National Guard.


It is a belt-fed machine gun, firing .30 caliber or 7.62mm rounds. It could be laser sighted.


It was used in the Vietnam War by the U.S. Army.

Patriot Games

In the year prior to the events of Patriot Games, corrupt Army supply Sergeants sold M-60s and old Redeye missiles to the PIRA. Several more were stolen from National Guard armories, and some were later captured by the RUC.

Later one was stolen from them by the ULA and used as a diversion prior to the attack on the Ryan estate, by placing an anonymous tip with the police that there was an M-60 and other weapons being loaded into a safehouse. In fact, while the weapons were there, the terrorists were long gone and were merely diverting attention away from their real operation.

Rainbow Six

Julio Vega used one as Rainbow Team-2's heavy gunner. He was frequently disappointed by being held in reserve, however, as not many situations called for his machine gun.

He finally got to use it to destroy Horizon Corporation's compound in the Amazon, shooting out all of the building's second story windows with it.