Pavel Koikov

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Sergeant Pavel Koikov is a character that appears in the novel, Under Fire.


Koikov previously served under Dangistan Minister of Internal Affairs, Rebaz Medzhid. He was later used by Raymond Wellesley and the Russians to act as a "witness" in a media smear story against Medzhid. Koikov claimed that he had seen Madzhid kill Dagestani civilian years ago during Madzhid's time as district deputy commander and that the killings had been subsequently covered up.

In 2010, Koikov's identity as the witness was discovered by Medzhid's staff. Once known, Medzhid sent his men to Koikov's home to survey the home. Later, Campus agent Matthew Spellman noted that the men watching the home were not answering. Jack Ryan, Jr. drives to the home and witnesses two men abduct Koikov. Ryan surmises that Wellesley is behind the abduction and may try to take Koikov somewhere and kill him, making it look like Medzhid did it. Using their knowledge of Wellesley, Ryan deduces several possible locations Koikov could be held at and eventually locate him at an abandoned prision. Ryan, Spellman, and Dominic Caruso enter the prison and covertly search for Koikov. They are later discovered and a firefight ensues. Ultimately, they rescue Koikov and capture the leader of the men that were holding him.