Rainbow Six:Antonio Maldini

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Template:Infobox Rainbow Team Antonio Maldini is a former Rainbow operative that appears in several installments of the Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Franchise.


Antonio Maldini was born in Milan, Italy on October 14, 1966. His father was the manager of a textile factory while is mother was a homemaker. Additionally, he had five siblings. Between 1984 and 1988, he attended the Università degli Studi di Ferrara and graduated with a degree in Chemistry in 1989.

Afterwards, he immediately joined the L'Arma dei Carabinieri. Following training, he was assigned to the Comando Carabinieri Antidroga, the Carabinieri's anti-narcotics agency. In 1990, he married and fathered three children. In 1996, he was transferred to the Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS), Italy's elite counter-terrorist team. His time with the GIS would lead to his recruitment into Rainbow.


In an alternate timeline, Maldini was an operative of Rainbow for many years until World War III. He joined the European Federation Enforcer Corps (EFEC) and was promoted to the rank of Colonel, becoming the commander to the Enforcer Battlegroup 4.

As a commander for EFEC, Antonio Maldini commanded the defence of the European Federation's uplink cluster in Istra, former Croatia on March 23, 2020 and the defence on the raid of the Rozenburg Refinery, Netherlands on April 4, 2020 (both against the terrorist organization named the "Forgotten Army"). He also commanded the offensive on Copenhagen's Port on April 7, 2020 against the Joint Strike Force, which was used as an extraction point for a US black-ops team when trying to capture the European Federation's defence minister, François Pulain. He is one of Europe's foremost commanders proven by the fact that Amadou de Bankole consistently chose him to handle trouble spots around Europe.

Psychological Profile

Maldini's specialty is stealth. At GIS, his ability to occupy positions undetected by the enemy resulted in the nickname "The Invisible Man". He is in excellent physical condition and is exceptionally quick on his feet. His demeanor is calm and somewhat aloof. Although a solid team member, he is too introspective to be a truly effective commander. Off-duty, he is an amateur marathoner and has competed in races across Europe. Extremely intelligent and well-spoken.
