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For similarly named pages, see Ash (Disambig).


"When I was little, my savta taught me that 'Silence was a woman's best garment'. But, I have to admit, I never really took her advice to heart."
— Ash

Eliza "Ash" Cohen is an Attacking Operator featured in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege and Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Mobile.


Cohen's mother is a renowned Jewish political activist and professor while her Palestinian father is a professor of Middle Eastern Studies. Cohen was raised in Israel, excelling in Mathematics and Physics. She earned a degree in Structural Engineering at Tel Aviv University and spent a few semesters at Boston University.

Cohen then enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF). After undergoing the rigorous twenty-two month training for the elite Air Force unit, Shaldag, she served five years. Skilled in ground and airborne operations, all-weather and all-terrain navigation and reconnaissance, she was invaluable in Operation Orchard as part of the 69 "Hammers" Squadron . She was later transferred to FBI SWAT due to an international law enforcement exchange program. Cohen applied her degree in Engineering and gift in structural resistance to develop advanced demolition tactics and equipment. She later met fellow officer Miles "Castle" Campbell whom she became close friends with.

Cohen participated in a joint operation known as Operation High Sun in 2004. During the operation, Cohen had to step in to resolve an altercation between Spetsnaz Operator Shurat "Fuze" Kessikbayev and SDU Operator Siu "Ying" Mei Lin, the latter of whom considered the former to be a "questionable asset" due to believing that he had a disregard for civilian lives.[1]

In 2015, Cohen was recruited into Rainbow due to her demolition expertise and leadership qualities. She was made the leader of Forward Operations and led several operations against the White Masks. In 2016, Cohen traveled to Buenos Aires, Argentina to investigate smuggling rings when she happened upon Santiago "Flores" Lucero. She offered him asylum in the United States in exchange for providing evidence against the town's most ruthless crime lords which he gladly accepted. In late 2019, Cohen accompanied Rainbow's Director Harry Pandey to Greece to oversee the renovations of a new training facility simply known as the Stadium. During a meeting at a local café, Cohen told Harry that she believed he was making a mistake by recruiting NIGHTHAVEN operatives into Rainbow as they were a private organization with unclear motives. Harry explained that they were recruited in response to answering a distress call on the super tanker Argus and saving the crew from pirates. This explanation proved to be insufficient for Cohen, however, who suspected that there was another reason for their recruitment. As a result, Cohen made her disdain towards NIGHTHAVEN's leader Jaimini "Kali" Shah known and the two developed a fierce rivalry.

The Program

In late 2020, Cohen was chosen by Harry to be one of the four team captains to lead a squad for the upcoming Six Invitational. After receiving her team assignment during a meeting between captains with Harry, she protested Jaimini "Kali" Shah's placement on her team. This prompted Chul Kyung "Vigil" Hwa to suggest she trade Kali for Sébastien "Buck" Côté. Harry quickly shot the idea down, stating that it was important for each team to learn how to work together. Cohen later conducted a one-on-one interview with Harry to discuss her role as a team captain. Cohen again voiced her concern over Kali being placed on her team, stating that she was a danger to the team. Harry reminded her that all of them were dangerous and that as a leader, she wouldn't always get the luxury of choosing her subordinates. Cohen countered by asking Harry if he had done this to create a leadership opportunity for her or an opportunity for Kali to be part of a team. Harry admitted that it was a little of both, prompting Cohen to tell him to let her know how it turned out before leaving.

In early 2021, Cohen's team was pitted against Team Mira as the attacking team in the first match of the Six Invitational. With time running out, Cohen and Kali argued about sending Finka to either flank the other team or go in for a direct assault to distract them. Finka proceeded to flank but was downed by a nitro cell, resulting in Team Ash losing the match. As a result, Kali directed her anger towards Cohen, stating she was unsurprised that they lost. In their second match, Team Ash faced Team Vigil. With Jordan "Thermite" Trace as their last remaining team member, he was able to use his exothermic charge to eliminate Vigil and win the match for Team Ash. For the third match, Team Ash faced off against Team Capitao. With Dokkaebi pinned down by Tachanka, Kali eliminated him with a hidden claymore that she had not informed Cohen about. Cohen praised Kali's efforts but reminded her to keep the team in the loop next time.

Team Ash faced off against Team Mira once again for the final match of the Six Invitational. During the match, Cohen breached and entered the Stadium kill house together with Dokkaebi who activated her Logic Bomb. This revealed Jack "Pulse" Estrada's location above them, prompting Cohen to use her launcher to cause him to fall through the floor. With Pulse down, Ash gave Thermite the go-ahead to plant his exothermic charge though he was soon intercepted and eliminated by Apha "Aruni" Tawanroong. Not long after, Cohen and Dokkaebi were pinned down from fire by the remaining Defenders. Cohen radioed for Kali to provide cover fire, only for Kali to remove her earpiece and engage the other Defenders from outside the building. The confusion granted Cohen an opportunity to dispatch a distracted Max "Mozzie" Goose. A few seconds later, however, Cohen was surprised by Kali who appeared from a window in front of her and held her at gun point. Kali then fired next to Cohen, eliminating Mira who had crept behind Cohen. Unfortunately, the close-range shot grazed Cohen's ear, causing her to fall to the ground in shock.

After her team had been crowned the champions of the tournament, Cohen proceeded to bandage her wound and contemplate what had happened. Enraged at Kali's actions, Cohen confronted her in the locker room in front of other operatives. Pushing Kali back, Cohen angrily told her that it was not okay to have used her own teammates as bait. Kali stated that it did not matter as it was only a game and that she had just won it for them. Furious, Cohen punched Kali square in the face. Bleeding, Kali attempted to retaliate but both women were pulled apart and held back by their fellow operatives.

A few weeks later, Cohen became aware of Santiago "Flores" Lucero's activities in Los Angeles. She sent Miles "Castle" Campbell and César "Goyo" Hernández to recruit him into Rainbow so that he could return the favor to her for providing him asylum years prior. As a test, Cohen, Castle, and Goyo observed Lucero perform one last heist on the home of a crime boss in Los Angeles. Afterwards, Ash flew Lucero to Greece and met with him outside of the Stadium. Ash explained that she wanted him to join Rainbow in order to monitor Jaimini "Kali" Shah and figure out what she was planning. Lucero accepted the offer and started reviewing confidential documents about Kali.

A few months later, Cohen was told by Flores of Anja “Osa” Janković's position as head of R&D for Nighthaven as well as her close relationship with Kali. He also confirmed that he had not found anything suspicious about Nighthaven yet and expressed doubts on Ash's judgements but agreed to keep digging.

Towards the end of 2021, Ash was once again assigned as a captain for the Six Invitational. During an interview with Sam Fisher, she expressed her strategy to respond to unexpected events in real time and told hom of how Flores would play a large role in that plan. Fisher then asked if her confrontation with Kali at the previous Invitational influenced her strategy and if she was worried about Kali being an opposing captain. Cohen stated that while it did somewhat, she hoped that it was an isolated incident. She said that after she had some time to reflect, she felt her reaction to Kali's insubordination was not appropriate. Cohen then told Fisher that she still worried that Kali's methods were dangerous and had little respect for the rules. Afterwards, she told him that while she believed they had a shot at winning, she felt it was important that a group of disparate operators can function against any foe. At the end of the interview, Cohen told Fisher of her plans to take some time off after the Invitational and visit family and friends in Tel Aviv.

Rainbow's New Focus

Following the conclusion of the Invitational in early 2022, Nighthaven cut ties with Rainbow and poached five operatives including fellow FBI agent Estrada. Cohen took the loss heavy as she saw Nighthaven's betrayal coming, but never Pulse turning his back on the FBI, his colleagues and friends. She told Fisher that while she didn't want to question Harry's judgement, she was worried that letting Nighthaven temper with the Program would affect not just Rainbow but the world. With the revelation of Nighthaven's connection to criminal organizations, Harry reorganized Rainbow into smaller, more specialized teams to increase effectiveness. Cohen was placed in Redhammer working alongside Thermite that specialized in high-risk missions.

In early 2023, Cohen took part in a joint operation between Redhammer and Ghosteyes to recover stolen Nighthaven weaponry from an unknown group. However, this was quickly discovered to be a trap set by former Rainbow operative Deimos, who sought to eliminate all members of Rainbow. A bomb was detonated within the compound, placing Cohen in a coma. She awoke from her coma some time before the capture of Deimos.

Operation Amber Sky

In 2025, Rainbow learned that the private military company Sentinel was mass producing a nerve gas agent called "Amber Ruin" on the remote island of Auroa with the intention of selling it overseas to foreign militaries and terrorist groups. Seeking to stop all Amber Ruin production, identify potential buyers, and create an antidote, Liu Tze "Lesion" Long coordinated with Scott Mitchell to conduct a joint operation with Ghost Recon called Operation Amber Sky. With Lesion acting as mission control under the callsign "R6 Actual", Cohen was deployed alongside Mike "Thatcher" Baker and Lera "Finka" Melnikova. The trio managed to reach the island by replacing a major buyer who was coming to purchase Amber Ruin and met up with Ghost Team Leader Anthony "Nomad" Perryman. Through their efforts, they managed to successfully complete all mission objectives.[2]

Psychological Profile

I had several meetings with Specialist Eliza "Ash" Cohen before I gave up on convincing her to not see me as a commanding officer. She asked so many probing questions, it was starting to feel as though she were analyzing me.

Cohen isn't interested in discussing her childhood. There's resentment toward a judgmental grandmother, but no lasting trauma. Military service acted as an escape from family tensions and appealed to her ordered and focused personality. Cohen added that she appreciates high-risk, high-reward scenarios, but didn't elaborate on what level of personal risk is acceptable.

Her identity is intertwined with her military training and operations. Extracting anything personal from the tangle is difficult. Cohen is cautious and doesn't cultivate many close relationships. Her bond with Specialist Miles "Castle" Campbell is therefore important to her - and I would say to the team as well. It's certainly a good pairing. Campbell's amenable personality enables Cohen to step out of her comfort zone without feeling self-conscious or judged.

Cohen uses other people's assessments to describe herself: She told me that Specialists Dominic "Bandit" Brunsmeier and James "Smoke" Porter tell her she's too serious," while others describe her as "intense," and that she enjoys being proven right. So, I asked if she thought those descriptions were accurate. She told me that she only cares about whether the other operators respect her. I'm confident they do.

On operations, Cohen is exemplary: She thinks fast, and her aggressive style almost always puts her at an advantage. During debriefs, however, I've noticed a different kind of focus. The residual stress of combat causes her to dwell on every misstep, perceived or real. Self-evaluation is understandable from someone so highly skilled, but it also has an effect on her team. It's important to encourage her to process the events as a joint effort and not simply assume the critique alone. Cohen - like all operators - knows there will be situations she can't prepare for. And yet, she alone allows the stress of the unknown to eat at her. This will need to be addressed.

- Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, Director of Rainbow[3]

Gameplay Description

Template:Infobox/Loadout A Light Health Operator, Ash comes equipped with the M120 CREM. It can shoot up to two Breaching Rounds, which will burrow into a surface and detonate automatically.

  • Ash is equipped with a single-shot grenade launcher that can fire Breaching Rounds. When one Breaching Round is fired, Ash reloads the grenade launcher with her next Breaching Round.
    • Breaching Rounds are unaffected by gravity and do not drop off at any range, meaning they could travel forever.
    • Breaching Rounds have no projectile size; they can pass through openings that are as small as a bullet hole.
    • Breaching Rounds have a radius of 3 meters.
  • After striking a surface, the Breaching Round will stick to the surface and explode after 2 seconds.
    • Breaching Rounds are unaffected by Mute's Signal Disruptors and electricity from Bandit's Shock Wires or Kaid's Electroclaws.
    • The destruction from Breaching Rounds is slightly different from a standard Breach Charge, being narrower and taller.
  • The explosion of the breaching round deals a maximum of 50 damage to Light Health Operators.
  • Getting struck directly by a Breaching Round will result in dealing 50 damage, regardless of armor, though the charge will only bounce off and not detonate.
  • Jäger's Active Defense System can intercept the Breaching Rounds if they're within their range.
  • If Mira has deployed a Black Mirror on an unreinforced wall, she can instantly destroy the Black Mirror (and the wall) by firing a breaching round on the Black Mirror itself.
  • If caught in Wamai's Mag-NET it will pull in the breaching round and cause a smaller explosion around the Mag-NET.


  • Ash can fire her Breaching Rounds at surfaces that would normally be hard or impossible to reach for a Breach Charge, like higher windows or even ceilings.
  • The Breaching Rounds can easily destroy Deployable Shields and can injure the Operator behind it.
  • The explosion can destroy Barbed Wire very quickly.
  • Certain destructible walls can't be completely covered by Reinforcements, and an uncovered destructible gap exists at the top of the wall. Ash can easily destroy the gaps with the Breaching Rounds, creating certain angles and allowing projectiles to go through.

Device Description

"Fires an explosive Breach Round that burrows into a surface and automatically detonates."
— M120 CREM Description

The M120 CREM was developed as a portable projectile breaching weapon. Similar to other explosive breaching tools used by American and Israeli armed forces, the M120 CREM is capable of breaching through doors without the need to focus on destroying hinges or locks for entry. Unlike other explosive breaching methods, the M120 CREM is comparatively portable with its decreased size and weight, allowing it to be carried as a secondary weapon. The M120 CREM has been successfully utilized by FBI SWAT in penetrating fortified compounds during hostage and search and rescue operations.

Device Evaluation

Device: M120 CREM Breaching Rounds
Operator: Specialist Eliza "Ash" Cohen
Evaluation Lead: Specialist Elena "Mira" Alvarez

Specialist Eliza "Ash" Cohen was not thrilled when she saw me examining her M120 CREM Breaching Rounds. She paced around me like a leopard stalking prey. I'm the Director, I'm perfectly capable of being professional. Specialist Cohen is very hands-on and from the start she directed the design and function of the M120 CREM. Up close, I can see that it's well-designed. What surprised me was how the titanium drill bit is designed like a threaded needle so that it "injects" the detcord into the surface. That explains why the damage zone is so effective. If there's another counter besides Jäger's Active Defense System, I'll find it. In the meantime one strategy that works pretty well is knowing that Miss KickInTheDoor tends to get caught up in her own hype and rush ahead without enough intel. My examination of the M120 CREM provided some solid insights, plus it was fun. Ash seemed worried that I might mess with it. I don't need to flip switches on her gear to win.

- Dr. Elena "Mira" Alvarez, Director of R&D


Ash's Quotes
Background Quote
  • "You can never truly understand a conflict until you've been on both sides."
Road to S.I. 2021 Battle Pass
  • "I'm sure other specialists will get their turn to lead, but on my team we do things by the book."
  • "Individual needs and desires have no place on this team. You want to win this game by yourself? It ain't happening."
  • "What separates us from the other teams is our ability to stick to the plan in the face of stiff opposition."
  • "There's no room for cowboy bullshit on Team Ash. Either get in line and follow orders or find a permanent place on the bench."
Around the World Battle Pass
  • "Talk is cheap. It's what you do that counts. Your actions, not your words. Keep your hands up, keep your head and feet moving. See the opening. Strike.
  • "Pro Tip: It's not how many punches you can take that makes you tough. It's how many you can dodge that makes you smart."
  • "Never aim at your target. Aim past it, right through to the other side of the bone, muscle and the cartilage. You'll know when you get there."
Operation Chimera Trailer
  • "Ricin, Anthrax, Sarin Gas, Ebola, VX Gas, Chimera Viruses. Some enemies are invisible, but the CBRN Threat Unit is Rainbow's shield against those enemies that can kill you with a single drop of blood... Or one wrong breath."
Outbreak: Opening Cinematic
  • "The National Guard's holding position until the army gets here. No... It's worse– Bartlett doesn't come close, Six. Can't even say if it's terrorism– or something else. I've got no operational jurisdiction. Get them to let go a little. We're not the enemy here. If this isn't terrorism they still need us. Uh, send Thermite, Doc. And I need one of the Russians, I'll explain later. And Six, bring them fast before this all goes down."
Ash's Briefing
  • "Sorry. Doc, you were saying?"
  • "Thanks Doc."
  • "For now, but it's adapting faster than we can track."
  • "We upped the ordinance, it created this thing."
  • "Mexico's South of us. It breaks quarantine and crosses the border, the world's in for one long bad night."
  • "It's on the table but we're here to make sure it stays a last resort. Operatives are already in the field."
  • "Six has an eye for talent, and we need all the help we can get."
  • "This is where we turn the tide. Or drown."
Outbreak: Sierra Paradise (Cutscene)
  • "The parasite is building a nursery, and it's a big one. The infection comes..."
  • "Jordan..."
  • "Seriously? Briefing is in a minute and you're pulling apart the explosives package?"
  • "Nurseries are the heart of the parasite's ability to adapt to our containment efforts."
  • "Your turn."
  • "...The 'target', is a hot springs resort."
Outbreak: Sierra Paradise (Gameplay)
  • "Seems quiet."
  • "Don't be fooled. Hit says there's hundreds of them on this block alone."
  • "Target sighted! Ready explosives!"
  • "ISR warned of grouping behaviors. But I didn't think we see them so soon."
  • "The more we can learn about their attack patterns, the better off we'll be."
  • "It's not like Jäger to be surprised. I don't know what could've done that."
  • "I don't know. That's why we need to be prepared for anything."
  • "Looks like blowing up the nursery didn't put a dent in their numbers."
  • "He's smart. He'll find a way to stay alive until we can reach him."
  • "We take out as many as we can as we keep moving. That's all we can do right now."
  • "We're getting close to Jäger's position. Pick up the pace."
  • "I don't remember the last time an operation went haywire."
  • "Think of it this way - if everything ran by the book, Rainbow wouldn't exist."
  • "You holding up okay?"
  • "Stay in formation. We're going to see this through."
Outbreak: Sierra Veterans Wing (Cutscene)
  • "You're a humanitarian, and I'm not sure you can afford to be."
  • "Okay. Let's try it your way. Let's extract Doctor Mackintosh and pray to God she's got answers we can use."
Outbreak: Sierra Veterans Wing (Gameplay)
  • "This better not be a dead end. We could really use a win about now."
  • "Doctor Mackintosh is the best hope we have for developing a vaccine."
  • "Doctor Mackintosh. We're here to get you out."
  • "We're almost at the extraction point. Just a little further."
Outbreak: The Nest (Cutscene)
  • "Three days before the outbreak, NASA tracked down a meteorite that fell into the area. We got confirmation that a local named Boyd Brooks hauled the object back to the Salvage Yard."
  • "No. He was trying to sell it online. This is why I called you. Your highness."
  • "I thought you'd appreciate the heads up. We can leave the politics to Six. Our job is to secure it."
  • "We move in by foot and search the area starting with his house."
Outbreak: The Nest (Gameplay)
  • "Any theories about where this thing came from?"
  • "No more than usual."
  • "Charges acquired."
  • "Glad that's over with."
  • "This is the last place you'd expect something like this to go down."
  • "Patient Zero clearly had something in mind when he designed all this."
  • "We're lucky he was a recluse. Otherwise the infection would spread a lot farther."
  • "Generator's on. Crane's next."
  • "Crane's moving."
  • "Generator back online."
  • "We knock it loose, and we're done. Get ready."
Outbreak: Jäger
  • "Defend Jäger!"
  • "Jäger's under attack!"
Outbreak: Doctor Mackintosh
  • "Doctor Mackintosh is down."
  • "The doctor's under attack."
Outbreak: Explosives Defense
  • "Charge replaced!"
  • "Charge under attack!"
  • "Explosives placed."
  • "Explosives under attack!"
  • "Get them off the explosives!"
  • "Hostiles on the charge."
Outbreak: Resupplying
  • "Ammo crate here."
  • "Grab some ammo!"
  • "Grab some mags."
  • "Grab what you need!"
  • "I got what I need."
  • "I'm back in the fight."
  • "Medkit here."
  • "Okay, I'm done."
  • "Ready to go."
  • "Refill complete."
  • "Refill here!"
  • "Refilling ammo!"
  • "Resupply complete."
  • "Talk about stopping power."
  • "That'll make a dent."
  • "You out of anything?"
  • "Call out any contacts."
  • "Don't wander off."
  • "Get your gamefaces on."
  • "I've got your back."
  • "Just like we practiced."
  • "Keep your head in the game."
  • "Let's get our head in the game."
  • "Let's show them what we can do."
  • "Watch your backs."
Launching Breaching Round
  • "Brace yourselves."
  • "Clear the blast area."
  • "Stay clear of the blast."
  • "Watch for the blast."
Setting Breach Charge
  • "Breach Charge ready."
  • "Breaching charge deployed."
  • "Breaching Charge is up."
  • "Ready to breach."
Detonating Breach Charge
  • "Detonating!"
Throwing Stun Grenade
  • "Flashbang out!"
  • "Tossing a flashbang."
Using Drone
  • "Deploying drone."
  • "Drone's up and running."
Scanning Enemies
  • "Enemy located."
  • "Targets detected."
  • "Loading mags!"
  • "Reloading!"
  • "Swapping mags!"
  • "First aid applied."
  • "Friendly down, cover me!"
  • "Stabilizing teammate."
  • "Stabilizing."
Friendly Fire
  • "Blue on Blue, cease fire!"
  • "Cease fire!"
Getting Hostage
  • "Hostage secured."
  • "I have the hostage."
  • "Securing hostage."
  • "Securing the hostage."
Moving Hostage
  • "Keep close."
  • "Keep close and stay close."
  • "Let's pick it up."
  • "Let's speed it up."
  • "Stay on me."
  • "We gotta move."
Dropping Hostage
  • "Don't wander off"
  • "Okay, stay here."
  • "Stay here, don't leave!"
  • "Stay put and keep your head down."
White Masks Reloading
  • "They're reloading!"


  • Ash developed a rivalry with GEO Operator Elena María "Mira" Álvarez following Operation Blue Orion.[4]
    • This is noted well within her gadget evaluation, with Mira going as far to call her "Miss KickInTheDoor", a reference to memes regarding Ash players rushing into objectives without enough intel.
  • Ash is fluent in Hebrew, Arabic, English, French and Greek.
  • In 2004, Ash had to step in to resolve an altercation between Spetsnaz Operator Shurat "Fuze" Kessikbayev and SDU Operator Siu "Ying" Mei Lin, the latter of whom considered the former to be a "questionable asset" due to believing that he had a disregard for civilian lives. The events of this altercation were redacted.[5][6]
  • Ash's invitational charm (titled "Ash's Service") shows a photo of her with her savta (grandmother), and Ash wearing typical IDF (Israeli Defense Force) uniform, thus the photo was likely taken when Ash was much younger while serving in the IDF.
  • Ash strongly opposed Harry partnering Rainbow with NIGHTHAVEN, telling him that he was "making a mistake".
  • So far, Ash is the only operator to have three elite sets.
  • Ash's date of birth was originally stated in-game as 1983, however this has since been removed.
    • And in the Operation Deadly Omen comic, her file states that she was born in 1990.
  • Ash's Breaching Round launcher is based on the M320 Grenade Launcher Module.
  • Ash was an available character in Tom Clancy's Elite Squad
  • Ash appears as an available teammate in Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Breakpoint in the Operation Amber Sky live event. She is also available as a costume which can be obtained from completing missions for the event.
  • As part of a collaboration, Ash is also an operator in the mobile game Arknights.





Concept Art



Patch Changes

Template:Patch Changes

Template:Operators/Siege Template:Operators/R6 Mobile


  1. Ash's In-game BIO > BACKGROUND section
  3. Ash's In-game BIO > PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE section
  4. Mira's In-game BIO > PSYCHOLOGICAL PROFILE section
  5. Operation Blood Orchid - Operator: Ying (螢)
  6. Ying's In-game BIO > NOTES section
