Rainbow Six:Baldwin

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Baldwin is the former president of the United States and a character mentioned in Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege


Not much is currently known about Baldwin. While serving as the U.S. Secretary of State, Baldwin and his security detail was attacked. The attackers used flashbangs, smoke grenades, and heavy suppressing fire to separate the protection detail. A member of the security detail, Collinn McKinley, realized that all evacuation routes had been compromised, and evacuated Baldwin alone. Baldwin would later run and win the U.S. Presidency and requested McKinley be assigned to the Presidential Protection Detail. After President Baldwin finished his second term in office, he contacted Harry Pandey with a recommendation for McKinley to join Rainbow.


  • Six noted that during McKinley's recommendation to Rainbow, Baldwin made a bet that should he be right about his endorsement, Six would owe him a 25-year old single malt Scotch. Six also noted that this was another example of Baldwin being "insufferable" when he was right.
  • Baldwin's term as President is unknown but based on Warden's recruitment into Rainbow, it is possible that he served from 2011 to 2019.