Rijk van Delden

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"What are you willing to die for, little man?"
— Rijk van Delden's final words to Jack Ryan Jr.

Rijk van Delden is a character that appears in the novel, Firing Point. In 2011, he worked for a mercenary unit with ties to the Iron Syndicate.


Rijk van Delden worked as a mercenary for a unit that was frequently hired by the Iron Syndicate. He was also the right-hand man of Héctor Guzmán. In October 2020, he was hired as a bodyguard by Park, the CEO of a steel firm in South Korea. While providing protection for Park in the observation room of a steel mill in Pohang, van Delden spotted Campus operative Jack Ryan, Jr. and opened fire. He then rushed Ryan door and reached his weapon out of the room's door window as he attempted to fire at him. Ryan then grabbed his weapon and caused it to jam. Before van Delden could react, Ryan took out his own weapon and struck him in the wrist, breaking it. van Delden then burst through the door but was shot through the knee by Ryan. Despite this, van Delden managed to kick Ryan's gun out of his hand. He then kicked Ryan in the gut and attempted a third kick to the head as Ryan rolled out of the way. van Delden attempted to attack Ryan again but was stabbed by Ryan in his inner thigh. van Delden then tried to escape but found himself at gunpoint by Ryan. Ryan then explained that he had been sent to capture van Delden to ask him about his old mercenary unit. Unwilling to be captured, van Delden punched himself in the jaw several times to distract Ryan as he tried to find a way to escape. With no other options, he asked Ryan what he was willing to die for. He then leaped over the railing into a batch of molten steel to his death.

Template:Characters/Firing Point